And now for something completely different...

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And now for something completely different...

Ok this is waaaay off topic. But does anyone on here play the RPG Rifts? If so, I am wanting to start up a PlayByPost forum OR chat room game for a Rifts game. Now you might ask, "Why post on here about it? We just like blowing people up with air or water, that's the only role play we like here!" Well I have an answer. See, I did come up with some interesting game mechanics inflation bits for the Palladium Books system quite awhile back...say 15 years ago. But these never got used, in fact I never really thought of using them, I just got bored and wrote them up. Now this is not to say we have to use them in the game, I'm fine with doing it either way.

Now there is another reason I am posting this here. Does anyone know of a good free forum board site they would suggest for this games home? Any help, thoughts, or suggestions are welcome!

dragon_6860's picture

Hmm..Rifts...that's the game with MegaDamage, and Ley Lines, Glitterboys and the like, right?

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


Ahhhh, rifts...good times, good times.

Sadly, not enough time to devote to a board.


Correct dragon, Rifts!!!


Inflation in that game system makes me think of the Ludicrous Mage OCC. They already have several balloon-based spells.

I'd like to see your mechanics ideas sometime, KorgFal.

Hmm... a good board site... tried (aka Roleplay Online)?


Good though Murkstorm and yes I looked into it. In fact I have looked into pretty much every main stream online RP board out there. And most have pretty specific things to say about what kind of language and content will be allowed. Besides I plan on this being mine, and run with my own set of house rules in addition to the inflation mechanics.

Maybe I should explain the "why" behind this venture. I play on an online pbp forum called, I have several characters in different adventures and I am also a GM on that board. It is owned and run by a single individual, much like LV owns Simply put, the man is a prick and is the high over-lord in charge of 95% of the character approvals. On top of this, there are mulutiple mods, each one in charge of a different section of the starting town/area. In the Mods forum (which I have access to with my GM status) about 2 months ago they convinced the had guy to have a "crime wave" in MercTown. I did not like the sound of this from the start and said so, via GM voice. Well I and a few others where the only ones who voted it down, so it went through. Now, 2 months later my newly started adventuring group (mercenary unit) is gone, 2 players died in the most recent run in with the local gangs, 2 others quit before we even got this far, and 2 others (including me) quit right after this incident. Basically, the game became un-fun, which means it is time to stop playing. I only pulled that one character out, but he was my main one and I had alot of fun playing him and now I am still annoyed/ticked off. So, the only thing to do for it is start my own game, as I will not rejoin the MercTown portion of that game forum ever again. It is run like a Nazi boot camp. And I thought, while I am at it, why not try for a Rifts again that includes my old inflation rules? Maybe folks on will here I am, looking for Players, GMs, & Mods.

Any takers?


I'd be interested, yes.

Warning, however, I ONLY play spellcasters of some kind in that system. No high-combat warrior types or gunbunnies.

dragon_6860's picture

Hmm...I'd be willing to give it a whirl

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


I would be interested too, if it's a play by post.
Sorry everyone for lurking so much here! XD