Searching for a 90s cartoon

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Searching for a 90s cartoon

Ok, I signed up to this groovy website since 05 just so guys would know.

Anyway, there used to be a weekday morning cartoon, I think it was on this "WDC TV" or something. The series was known as "Stop Dogs" consisting of a good team, one leader wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, and of course exaggerated body proportions. Buffed up and huge chin, why else would he be leader lol? There is a scientist who flies a small chopper. A skinny-looking punky but friendly dude with reddish hair (I think), a guy with dark complexities and a girl in some purple get up, thick red lips, and reddish hair.

The villains also were a group of maybe 5 idiots or so. I remember a few names, one villain was the dumb "Half-a-Mind" cuz his body parts have some supporting gear and he can "disconnect" himself whenever he wished or from some mishap lol. The big bad dude was named as "Baggiar" maybe, his voice sorta sounds like King Koopa from the early Mario Brothers cartoon that went after a live sitcom. And the leader's name was "Fungus". Looks a bit like a director with triangular sunshades and a green suit. Maybe he also chews a toothpick also. Oh, and there is a lady who is always chasing one of the Stop Dogs for some love obsession.

Nuff' said. There is this one episode where the villains leave some compound mixture in a selection of muffins. The Stop Dogs, unaware about the experiment become the villain's guinea pigs. They taste the muffins and then instantly puff up like balloons, including the girl. They stay like that for almost the rest of the episodes and the villains also fall victim to their own malicious intents as they fall off from somewhere, I can't remember. I only saw this once back in the early 90s, perhaps in 1992-93. Does this ring any bells, cuz I try to search online and find nothing so far. Oh well, might as well laugh at the mouse and bat infation scene from Conker's Bad Fur Day. (Not females though).


I think the series you're referring to was called 'Stunt Dawgs'. I remember watching it on TV as a kid. It was actually pretty funny. Alas, I can't help you as far as the particular clip you're looking for is concerned. It was one of many shows in the 90s that appeared and then disappeared pretty quickly. As far as I know, it's never come out on DVD, so any clips that are floating around out there on the net were probably recorded at the time. So far, I've only found two on Youtube - one of the intro credits, and one short, heavily-edited clip involving the kidnapping of the female lead, both of which are of very poor quality.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I found this. A page that says "watch stunt dawgs tv online". I click the image that says "unavailable"(I think it refers to unavailable image) and an EXE program tries to download. I cancelled it because it doesn't look reliable, but if anywone wants to try, here:

pballooned wrote:
I found this. A page that says "watch stunt dawgs tv online". I click the image that says "unavailable"(I think it refers to unavailable image) and an EXE program tries to download. I cancelled it because it doesn't look reliable, but if anywone wants to try, here: DON'T CLICK THAT LINK, YOU'RE LIKELY TO GET SPYWARE OR TROJANS

Uhm, you realize those kinds of things are just sites full of advertising that don't actually have any shows for you to watch, right?


Well according to Wikipedia's article, the show actually did run from 92-93, So I'm guessing it probably only had about 13 episodes. I did watch the intro on youtube and did vagauley remember that annoying theme song lol. I noticed that some people said they had the episodes on vhs but didn't know how to transfer them over. I don't know if they mean bootleg tapes which they copied off of tv or if there was an official video release. I checked for DVD's but couldn't find anything, sorry.

And btw thats a pretty good memory from something you only saw once and from fifteen years ago.


Hey, thanks guys, what a way to go back in time when we were gobbling up a bowl of lucky charms before walking off to school...


Hmm-all the VHS owners have to do is buy a TV tuner. Cheapest I've seen is 50 dollars for a USB one.

Run it from a VCR's output into the PC-hit play on the VCR, record on the screen and voila!'s why my VCR stayed alive at least. :)

Somedude wrote:
Uhm, you realize those kinds of things are just sites full of advertising that don't actually have any shows for you to watch, right?

Sorry, I'll be more careful. I won't link to sites like that one anymore :oops:

Anonymous seems that there is quite a demand for this show to be released on DVD. Maybe we could get a petition started?

darth_clone19's picture

There was a thread about this once. Nobody ever found anything.

At least, the great InflateHerMore treated us to this though:

 -   Read my stories: 


Actually, I watched that ep twice, but that's it. Anyway, it was something that caught my attention so it-sa bit natural for me to remember details. What was that quote from SD..hmm....the "pay back time" quote lol. Every time they get bothered by Fungus and gang. Thanks anyway Mr. 87

Fairia's picture

I pretty picked the growth formula episode as a fav because of an interest in height changes, but I don't remember any expansion episodes.


Definitely, it happened to the SD, and towards the end of the ep. the villains were falling from the sky from I can't remember how, and they puffed up also.

Another ep was that "Half-a-Mind," who was "ascended" into a "Terminator" and he was like superior and just like Schwarzenegger. Oh btw, I didn't pay close attention to Sizzle being blown up from that DA art piece. I thought it was Daphne from Scooby-doo, they both seem similar...One other scene when 'Fungus' was in some portable little TV talking, and the TV was thrown off and he screamed as if he was actually inside it. "Ahhhhhh, hey why am I yelling, I'm not in the TV...oh well, Ahhhhhhhhhhh"!

He also says "I despise you" or him.


I don't remember much about stunt dawgs. But does anyone remember if Sizzle did other crazy things, like wild takes? (Eyes popping out, jaws dropping) or something else of the matter? :roll:


That Sizzle Deviant Art drawing is brilliant! And in the comments someone said he has the episode recorded on VHS. That's an old comment but well, it's a little hope...


mmmmmm what if that episode is still u know where to find that comment so maybe just maybe we can ask for a little video recording?


In the same drawing Darth Clone linked, page two:
Somebody with the username IWfan, but that comment is from 2007


I think most people's jaw drops and eyes bulge forward along with some very old car's horn being sounded.

(Half-a-Mind: "Booodyyyyy!, booodyyyy!")

darth_clone19's picture

I sent him a note...but he hasnt been online for 23 weeks.

 -   Read my stories: 


Aww, well maybe the sun isn't shining so bright right now, but only that, at least. Let's hope a little.


Hey I'm not sure if anybody still reads this but I finally bothered to ask my parents for the machine I needed as a Christmas gift and turned the Stunt Dawgs expansion episode into a DVD which I then broke up into files I could upload to Youtube

Here is the first of the three, warning I didn't take out the commericials)

Enjoy everybody!

airtankgirl5's picture

I appreciate it, I'd never heard of this, and while the part of the female member of the team isn't very large, it is somehow...strangely....appealing...;)

SMB_1985's picture

Great find, thanks. Nice to see they didn't shy away from increasing her bust size.

bloatingtillexploding's picture

For those of us that want to skip to the chase, where does it begin?

-Just another weirdo

airtankgirl5's picture

part 2 I think around 4 min in.

Inflate123's picture

Thanks for posting this! After all the discussion it was nice to see the scene myself!

Fairia's picture

Just another example of asking around and eventually receiving. Quality's not bad esp. after many years on VHS.


When the female member was going to eat the antidote I was thinking "Please! Don't do it! You're gorgeous!".
Anyway, great find, it's nice they also chose a female chracter for this kind of exapnsion. Kinda reminds me of the "French fries" episode of Lilo% Stich.


Oh my god,

Thank you IWfan53 that was one of the things I've been looking for since I was a kid.

I know it probably didn't seem like much to most people on this thread but I've been looking for this for many years.




I would have liked to see a bit more of her but the transformation pretty much made the episode worth watching. I think it was well worth the wait since 1993. Thanks guys :) and happy new year!


Fascinating recovery, and I enjoy the shape she takes. What I find cool about finds like this is we wouldn't have known it existed save a chance childhood memory. :-)