Where's poor old LiSa :(

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Where's poor old LiSa :(

Hey u all! I just wana tell you all, I don't have internet access anymore, would just be for a while! At my folks, verrry boring! That's all though, nothing else, no yahoo, no here, no nowhere lol., sux pretty much! :( Lovies to everyone and stay freaky and weird as u can!!! Coz it's kewl to be weird lol! hee

Inflate me! Pop! Oops! hee! ^^


Thats what Im wondering. Where is poor Lisa? I havent heard from you since last Thurs. :cry: I miss you


Your lip rings are pretty cool, never seen someone with those yet.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.