Slipped into the game?

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Slipped into the game?

Found in the Role-playing aid book OGL (Open Game Lixcense) D20 Horror: A ghost of a person wrongfully burned at the stake starts possessing people that curiously burst into flame. Apparently The ghost doesn't realize that it's dead or how it died, so it starts to possess people in order to discover the truth. Problem is, the longer it possesses someone, their cells start filling with hydrogen and exploding, so the party is under a time limit to find an answer--or soon, there will be two (or more!) ghosts trying to discover the truth by possessing people...

JSK00's picture

So, how big do they get, anyway?


It didn't say, but the implication is that for each person that explodes, that person's ghost tries to possess another living entitiy to discover what happened and...things can rapidly spiral out of control if the party doesn't discover why the original ghost does this or how it was killed...

hellview_666's picture

Hmmm...sounds quite intersting....Horror Cluedo with an explosive end :P