Boober33 program

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oh2bpreg's picture
Boober33 program

Don't know how many people remember this, but years ago, somebody out there had this little text calculator thing thing that would ell you what size you would become depending on what would happen to you. There was a breast version called Boober33 and a pregnancy one called belly20.

I decided to break them out again and try them. Unfortunately, my boober33 program is corrupted.

Don't suppose anyone out there has a copy. I have no idea if there are newer versions out there. It was a pretty fun little program and had a lot of potential.

Inflate123's picture

It just so happens that I do. The version I have is 3.3 and I do not know if later versions exist.

oh2bpreg's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
It just so happens that I do. The version I have is 3.3 and I do not know if later versions exist.

Awesome! Thanks a bunch. I always thought these programs had great potential. Shame the guy isn't making them anymore. Wish I knew how to write programs.