What is Dr. Cury's Email on Bambi Blaze?

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What is Dr. Cury's Email on Bambi Blaze?

I just registered and I cant access the site. Im trying to see what is wrong.


or can someone just tell me the site is down, so I know its just not me.


Your not the only one, I signed up about a month ago now and have only been able to access the site twice during the first couple days. But since then both of her sites have been totally down. I have emailed them 5 or 6 times now and have got no reply yet. I stated that I want my account canceled. At this point I will be asking for a refund, since I got absolutely nothing out of having an account this past month. Just curious, but other then us two, has anyone else had trouble accessing or logging into either of Bambi's sites?


it was weird, before I signed up i was going on everyday. since I signed up, there has been nothing. well Korgfal this makes me feel better, i thought i did something wrong.


Yeah, makes me feel better too, knowing that someone else has this problem. I was afraid that maybe my IP had been banned of something. :|


The bambiblaze site works fine for me, here is DrCurvy's email: drcurvy@bambiblaze.com


thanks citizen, i hope I get an answer, cause im getting mad i cant use what im paying for!


I also dont think its a ban because i have 3 computers in my house, and I cant get on the site. I think its a site problem, or a connection problem, that I've been having.


I can get on no problems. Wish I could tell you what was up.

Inflate123's picture

I heard of a few other people having trouble too; they assumed it was an IP ban. I do not know the particulars of their situation.

I was able to hit the EM and BB forums just now, FWIW.

AirWolf's picture

Dr. Curvy has contacted the webmaster and has him looking into this bizarre problem.