I would like to clear up some misconceptions

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I would like to clear up some misconceptions

Ok I have seen a lot of people posting how inflating yourself with water anally is SUPER-dangerous because of the minerals in the water. Well I would just like to clear up those misconceptions because I have been doing this for a long time now.

First:I live on a lake and don't get "city" water, I have Well Water.

Second:I give myself enemas while taking a bath and I have done it with a hose leading directly from the shower head to my butt.

Third:I am perfectly healthy and the water did not, I repeat DID NOT, cause any rupturing or adverse effect that would cause me to be hospitalized.

So I hope that clears up all the DAMN misconceptions about water inflation done anally and anyone that has said that it is super dangerous I can just bet that you have NEVER given yourself an enema so you shouldn't really be saying that it is dangerous.

hellview_666's picture

Yeeowch o.o

hellview_666 wrote:
Yeeowch o.o

Why u say that? I clearly stated that there was no damage done and also when I start to feel uncomfortable I just take the hose out.

hellview_666's picture

It was a 'yeeowch' to those who havent done it and go against it. I do believe it is called 'pwnage' :P

dejected_Xmas's picture

Yeah people are way to safe these days.
There is no fun in safety or else everyone would love to be in a padded cell.

darth_clone19's picture

The big misconception Id like to clear out is this site becoming representative of this sort of thing; representative enough that there are big discussions about this sort of thing as if we cared.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

darth_clone19 wrote:
The big misconception Id like to clear out is this site becoming representative of this sort of thing; representative enough that there are big discussions about this sort of thing as if we cared.

Representative of what? Not knowing anything about what people are talking about or people telling the truth about what something is.


I don't think I have ever heard that particular urban legend before. Minerals? Good grief, some people don't even seem to know that water is a near-universal solvent. It picks up small amounts of just about anything.


The problem with water is not the minerals but the lack of them, specifically the fact that there is no salt in fresh water but there is in your body, so fresh water is liable to diffuse into the internal environment and dilute what should stay undiluted. Also, liquids are not compressible: ten litres of air entering the body doesn't stay at ten litres but gets compressed, but ten litres of water entering the body is still that volume inside it.

Having said that, i do agree that people are very hung up on safety. Maybe that's because the idea of it being dangerous makes it more exciting.



nineteenthly wrote:
The problem with water is not the minerals but the lack of them, specifically the fact that there is no salt in fresh water but there is in your body, so fresh water is liable to diffuse into the internal environment and dilute what should stay undiluted. Also, liquids are not compressible: ten litres of air entering the body doesn't stay at ten litres but gets compressed, but ten litres of water entering the body is still that volume inside it.

Having said that, i do agree that people are very hung up on safety. Maybe that's because the idea of it being dangerous makes it more exciting.

Well the thing is that there is more than just Salt-Water, and Fresh-Water. There is also City-Fresh-Water, and Well-Water. I have well water and also I eat tons of salty snacks and have enema's so that sorta makes what you said about deluding stuff kinda irrelevant. With air it actually feels more un-comfortable than water and it takes a lot of pressure to compress air and that kind of pressure usually isn't found in the human body. It is also much easier to exspell water as long as you have had at least 1 enema b4.


I feel the need to quantify salt concentration, which may be a bit weird. However, you find water more comfortable than air? Fair enough, but i get off on the discomfort. Concerning pressure, the problem would be if you went above the systolic blood pressure. Adrenalin compensates for that quite a bit. Also, the body adjusts, even if you've never done it before, for instance the stomach has a reflex relaxation when it fills, so the pressure isn't as high as it would be if you were just a balloon being blown up.




Just a reminder, not disproving anything but if your not careful on the amount of water that is in your body it could possibly (seldom possible) kill you.

Web search the story of Aquafina's water drinking contest, the lady who was trying to get the top spot die from consuming too much water due to it creating osmosis and pushing impurities from organs that normally stay put into body tissue and the blood stream (also diluting the blood stream) causing toxins that while some organs are designed to normally have or deal with to enter other body areas that are not familiar with these toxins.

So enemas from any source aren't bad but be careful.


Two things about that. Firstly, they aren't impurities so much as the likes of sodium, potassium and calcium which are essential to life and need to be in the right concentrations inside and outside the cells. There are three water "compartments": the insides of the cells, the bloodstream and the body water outside the cells (and there's also the digestive system). Each of these has to have the right concentration of various elements for you to survive. It's got nothing to do with impurities.

Secondly, some enemas would be dangerous because unlike most of the rest of the digestive system's circulation, the blood that circulates near the anus and rectum doesn't pass through the liver before it reaches the rest of your body. This is often not a problem, for instance if you gave yourself a pear juice enema it would take a heck of a lot for it to do you any harm, but in the case of alcohol it's bad news and can kill you even in quite small quantities.

I'm not saying no-one should do it with liquids, but you need to choose the right ones. Fresh water would not be the best choice. Water with the right concentration of salt would be better.



darth_clone19's picture
Sales_Kital wrote:
darth_clone19 wrote:
The big misconception Id like to clear out is this site becoming representative of this sort of thing; representative enough that there are big discussions about this sort of thing as if we cared.

Representative of what? Not knowing anything about what people are talking about or people telling the truth about what something is.

real life inflation

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

nineteenthly wrote:
Two things about that. Firstly, they aren't impurities so much as the likes of sodium, potassium and calcium which are essential to life and need to be in the right concentrations inside and outside the cells. There are three water "compartments": the insides of the cells, the bloodstream and the body water outside the cells (and there's also the digestive system). Each of these has to have the right concentration of various elements for you to survive. It's got nothing to do with impurities.

Secondly, some enemas would be dangerous because unlike most of the rest of the digestive system's circulation, the blood that circulates near the anus and rectum doesn't pass through the liver before it reaches the rest of your body. This is often not a problem, for instance if you gave yourself a pear juice enema it would take a heck of a lot for it to do you any harm, but in the case of alcohol it's bad news and can kill you even in quite small quantities.

I'm not saying no-one should do it with liquids, but you need to choose the right ones. Fresh water would not be the best choice. Water with the right concentration of salt would be better.

That's what I really meant, too much water can dilute the bloodstream causing death. With salt there is it's mess of problems (i.e.- high blood pressure, hypertension).

Most people recommend bag enemas over direct shower hose for comfort reasons rather than safety reasons to achieve larger size over course of repeated times.


I actually think exactly the right concentration of exactly the right salts would be pretty safe, but you would have to be very precise. Matching it precisely to the concentration in your blood wouldn't cause any kind of electrolyte imbalance. I don't know how precise you'd have to be, but it wouldn't be as simple as just getting some ordinary salt and mixing it into distilled water, though that would be a start.

I haven't done it very much, but another aspect of it is to ensure the temperature is close to your own body temperature. I once made myself horribly cold this way and there must be a risk of hypothermia.




Well I know that the amount of enemas I give myself doesn't have much to do with my, blood salt level is that what you called it?, because I eat TONS of salty foods sometimes to the point where my fingers may swell up a bit so I think it wouldn't be much of a prob for me. Also I do make sure to regulate the amount of water.


Well, there's always an issue about what's supposed to happen in theory and what really happens. There are people who drink so much caffeine that in theory they should have no body water, but clearly that's not so. I used to have psychotherapy and mentioned my practice of self-inflation as a concern, and the therapist refused to believe that it was possible, but as you and i know, yes it bloody is, and from that point on my relationship with the therapist broke down because she just took the line that "it's true for you", which was seriously not good enough because i wanted to discuss my concerns about self-harm and possible hazards. For that reason, i have to cave in to your superior experience. I inflate myself with air and have experience with that; you do it with water and have that experience. So, you must be right, if you see what i mean.




Yea I get what you mean.