Look at the created and look to the odd.

I was thinking of new ideas that would be odd. One came from my idea about Magic (look below), and one involved a flexible hose connected between a female adult performer and a male client.

{UHCM's Idea of Magic: I personally think that magic is a void within the person's soul or mind where physical entities are created and existed as "real" or "fantasized". The known example of a physical void is the Black Hole. And to explain why the female magi's skirt flips up randomly while her hair flaps around crazily and male magi's clothes flaps and snaps around as if both magi are struck by a multi-way wind collision; they have to replicate the Miniature Black Hole to let out some of the physical entities created in their mind. Diagrams like pentagrams are prime example of projecting a Black Hole onto one focus point. For those who wondered why I relate magic to Black Holes is because what goes in, must come out and it is possible that Black Holes can go both ways inward like a two-headed vacuum. But how in the world can they get something OUT when both sides of the Black Hole are keeping them IN? Our mind is the most powerful part of ourselves, so imagination is the projection of our powerful mind power. It is quite possible that we can mentally (or unconsciously) forced the Black Hole to go in one direction, but not very well. That is how we got things like "fizzled" when the entity failed to get out and "sacrificed" when we are desperate for a result for a spell or two. For the records, I did not take any drug, weed, and alcohol while I was thinking about this; I was just bored.}

*smoke comes out of my head* Interesting...imagine a woman got smokey head and kept it in to avoid being called a smoker, only to get inflated by the smoke she kept in. OR! Her hat that was keeping the smoke in got inflated to be quite noticeable.


You might be over-engineering things a wee bit.


Yeah, I tend to think a lot in a short amount of time. The usual problem of mine when it comes to explaining something intricate like magic and science. But at least there are some reasonably plausible points to what I am saying.

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