Rexona Teens ad

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darth_clone19's picture
Rexona Teens ad

There's no female inflation guys, and please, the comment "itd be better if it was a woman" is getting kinda old. Yes, itd be better, but keep it to yourself. Its kinda redundant.

The commercial is still pretty cute.

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hellview_666's picture

Gotta agree with you on that one is pretty cute.


I really liked that type of inflation, might inspire me to draw something ^^

Auriga's picture

Very nice. Girl with a parfume, that makes guys inflate may go as an idea for a short story.

bostoncowboy's picture

it was funny

ASIAN!'s picture

It would be better if it was a woman.

....sorry had to say it ^_^


Nice. I sorta like male inflation (well, I usually just try to imagine it's me in the situation, heh), so this is fine with me...

Did anyone notice that the logo of the woman on his shirt is affected by it too? When his shirt stretches, the button on the woman's shirt bursts off. Kind of weird extra there.


Haha. It aired here. I recorded it on a vhs.


Can anyone translate the dialog? It would be interesting to know what they are saying, thanks

darth_clone19's picture

It just says: "See what you can do with the new fragrance from Rexona Teens? Rexona, protection that doesnt abandon you"

Thats it, nothing special :(

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Reverie's picture

I'm not into male inflation, but when scenarios like this one are involved I like to imagine that I'm the guy (like Zepylin said). I really like the idea behind this one. Thanks for posting it.


"see what you can do with..." Really? Like blowing up like a balloon is something that the average teen is looking to do these days? That's pretty funny

AlecDeluxe's picture

I... LOVE... this... commercial!! Thanks for pointing it out.

Too bad youtube doesn't work on my computer--it won't stay buffered so I can watch videos only 2 seconds at a time. (If anyone knows how I can fix that, drop me a note.)

I want to pop so much I could burst!


I'm not getting this, is it just a body spray like Axe?