Forum RPing

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BE_Babe's picture
Forum RPing

Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site, and I suppose I'm new to the fetish world, too, since the only 2 I knew about was BE and fat.

Anyway, I've done forum RPing before, and I was wondering if it's allowed for me to start an RP on this forum, and in this topic. Are there rules for this? Can I make up my own?

When all the world is a stage, live it up!


I'd love to rp with you if you have yahoo messenger or something. My screen name on yahoo is scorpious1109

if any ladies would like to rp, pm me anytime here or on yahoo

BE_Babe's picture

well, I meant on here, but yeah, I have yahoo too.

When all the world is a stage, live it up!


Female Inflation Realm is where I used to RP. I dunno of it's still alive or not.


She must be into mass rping, that actually is a good question...

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

No idea.

bostoncowboy's picture

usually on yahoo or msn.

BE_Babe's picture

Mass RPing? you mean where everyone could join? that could be fun, but i donno how that could work.
I actually meant to have a simple maybe 5 to 8 ppl kind of rp...but I guess since not everyone is on everyday, it might not work, unlike my last forum...but I'd still like to try something.

When all the world is a stage, live it up!


I'd join the rp.

oh2bpreg's picture

I like the forum rp idea. I've done it elsewhere in the past, and the end result is usually a pretty damn good story. Allows people more time to write. Just need to make sure you give everyone time to write. Worst thing is when 2 people are online at the same time and crank out dozens of posts, ignoring everyone else that logs in at a different time.


just make 2 or 3 threads and if no one else is on they can make a private thread or something to let out there stuff.


oh, and msn is or .com if that doesnt work. Yahoo is