Is bambiblaze down for anyone else?

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Is bambiblaze down for anyone else?

I'm not sure if this is the right place but I haven't been able to connect to any of the bambiblaze sites for around 3 days now and was wondering if anyone else could. Really kind of annoying since I just got a subscription around a week ago for one of her sites and now I can't even use it. Also does anyone have Airwolf's email so I can try to contact him?

I saw that some other people on here had the same problem a little while ago and was also wondering how they resolved it.


I wish I could tell you what was going on with your end.

I have not had any problems.

Inflate123's picture

The site loads fine for me today, so if you are still having trouble, contact them directly and make sure your IP has not been blocked. It's possible they needed to shut someone else out and you might be on the same ISP and accidentally affected.


Does anyone have an email or a way of contacting them?

Inflate123's picture

If you are a customer, the contact info should have been in with your welcome/subscription activation letter.

AirWolf's picture

You can reach me at airwolf@bambiblaze dot com

Hopefully we can get your connection problem corrected.
