Is it wierd that...

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TraineeInflator's picture
Is it wierd that...

that the hose noise at the dentist can be considered as a background for an inflation story?

The 6"5 Beachball, Helium balloon, heck whatever is here!

airtankgirl5's picture

If you mean the gas hissing, no, not at all. Being an inflationist really puts dentist visits in a better light ;) .

dejected_Xmas's picture

I don't get gas the dentist injects my gums with a strong pain drug and the saliva hose kinda sucks. hehe pun.


I hate that injection. The drug works beautifully, but the bits of it that leak out and touch my tongue taste so horrible that I almost would prefer that he operate without anesthetics at all rather than use that stuff.