Bride wars?

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Bride wars?

Taken from the wiki plot synopsis "Emma secretly sending Liv candy to make her not fit into her dress." any actual scenes worth mentioning? i know the movie is crap but so is much of what we have to deal with. Figured since there is a inflation movie topic a weight gain would only be fair.

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

wow over 250 views and not even an "saw it in theaters" you people are amazing

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
LutherVKane's picture

You haven't seen it, you know that it's crap, and yet you're surprised that nobody else who's read this post has seen it either?


A response saying no is better than nothing. I could rent it for 4 dollars but I rather like eating

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
darth_clone19's picture


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