Abandoned stories/series you'd like to see continued

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RenegadeKamui's picture
Abandoned stories/series you'd like to see continued

Luther recently posted a Twitter where he wondered whether anyone was still interested in his old series. Personally, I'd love to see a continuation of Horace's Curse (part 2). Maybe the ring and whistle could fall into the hands of two different people who don't know their properties. The whistle's holder (maybe a small child) uses it as a toy, while the ring's wearer (his mother?) tries to figure out why she keeps spontaneously inflating at inconvenient and embarassing times.

Another series with lots of potential is Carnatic's Remotes (part 2). Having the inflation under literal remote control opens all sorts of possibilities for blackmail and coercion. And what if the signal gets crossed with, say, a garage-door opener or cell phone?

As for individual stories, FunkyOBrian wrote a story (not available here, but it's around) called Taki's Peril. The ninja girl from Soul Calibur was planning to use a helium pellet to inflate her bodysuit to keep from drowning in a river. It never got to any inflation, unfortunately, but the potential is there ;)

So what stories or series would you like to see more of?


I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to "The Cargo", it is an all time fav story of mine. If I had the money, i'd turn it into a cartoon.


A third fear story by The Replacement


there are alot of older writers and stories I would have liked seen extended or that writer to just make a new story period.

Don't climb the tree if you can't run naked through the kitchen.


Remotes 3 & 4 have already been planned out and everything... so the bones of the rest of the series is there... I just need to pull myself together and write them.


More stories of the berry series; blueberry, strawberry, blackberry
'i turned her into a blueberry' series here

RenegadeKamui's picture
IronHead wrote:
I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to "The Cargo", it is an all time fav story of mine. If I had the money, i'd turn it into a cartoon.

If we're thinking of the same story, then you may be pleased to hear that there's an illustrated version of the story at Sticky-Site.

carnatic wrote:
Remotes 3 & 4 have already been planned out and everything... so the bones of the rest of the series is there... I just need to pull myself together and write them.


I'm not sure if you like to discuss upcoming stories, but I'd love to hear what you have planned for the series. If you don't want to discuss it in public, a PM would be fine; I'd just like some idea of what's in store :P

Inflate123's picture
carnatic wrote:
Remotes 3 & 4 have already been planned out and everything... so the bones of the rest of the series is there... I just need to pull myself together and write them.

Very glad to hear it! We're ready to read when you're ready to write. :)


Distended Rivalry, it's probably one of my favorite stories on the site and I would love to see a continuation. The end of the story leaves a good basis for a revenge or another showdown story that could lead to epic sizes.

doubleintegral's picture

Frankly, I'm pretty happy where just about all of the stories I've read have left off. While "The Cargo" is one of my favorites, it lets the reader fill in the blanks of what happens after the story ends, mainly regarding whether or not Melissa returns to normal. Depending on your preference, she might, or she might not. A sequel might ruin that for me. But that's just my opinion.

However, I do often wish that some stories go into a little further detail. Sometimes I will take another story and edit it to suit my tastes, whether by removing cliche dialogue or events, adding more details, change some words, etc.


More of Jenny The Balloon Girl


I would love to see a sequel to Helia Melonoski's Bubble Trouble.


Two words:

Expanding Horizons.


I would do more Jenny although I feel I was very er... XD haha how to say...
I feel the need that I'd have to start over with it. There's a bunch of things that I wrote that I know better now.
But that would be changing something way way too much of something that some people like. ^_^;

Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^




Four words (five if you include "and") The Matrix and Star Wars. Some things are better left unfinished.

http://harrisonford08.deviantart.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ijartist/


I agree with Daggerguy. I'd love to see a third "Fear" story.


On this site The Wizards of Nyst, part 3 promises a "STUNNING CONCLUSION" that I shouldn't miss though there doesn't seem to be a part 4 I'd like to see an explosive ending.


dimon wrote:
On this site The Wizards of Nyst, part 3 promises a "STUNNING CONCLUSION" that I shouldn't miss though there doesn't seem to be a part 4 I'd like to see an explosive ending.

Yeah, sorry about that...

I wrote those Nyst stories back when I was a lot younger with my old handle. ^^; I haven't thought of them for years.

airtankgirl5's picture

Totally, Inflation Olympics.

darth_clone19's picture

fuck, you wrote Wizards of Nyst? :S

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Inflate123's picture

I love how even our aliases have aliases. :) Glad you came forward to take credit!

sugarhigh's picture

If I recall, the Fuusenkunoichi series by FunkyOBrian end right around when A big battle was going to happen... so It would be cool to she that continued.
And as a side note, does anyone have those stories and can give them to me? all but #1 vanished from the internet, and I would like to read them again.

your friendly nighberhood Puffy Cheek Lover!

darth_clone19 wrote:
fuck, you wrote Wizards of Nyst? :S
Inflate123 wrote:
I love how even our aliases have aliases. :) Glad you came forward to take credit!

Heh, I still remember asking you if I could host my stories at your site!

Its been a long time. I guess we all sort of love and hate our older work, but its nice to hear people liked them.

Unknown1 wrote:
More stories of the berry series; blueberry, strawberry, blackberry
'i turned her into a blueberry' series here

Oh hey I kept doing those stories, just stopped posting them here and put them on Deviantart since they started to get a bit too sizzly with the juicing. Though I finally gave an official finale, a crappy one, but a finale that closes it off a few months ago.