Looking for an old pic

Back in my earlier days of lurking, I recall seeing some pictures from an artist I believe was named Spectre of Bigtime. I found a number of his works on this website but there's one in particular I really liked that I can't find. It was a picture of a woman swollen to larger proportions wearing a diving suit and mask, standing upright and displaying an expression of shock over her shape. That's about all I remember of it.

Does anyone know where I might find this particular picture or has it vanished off the face of the earth?

LutherVKane's picture

Went digging through my old files. I thought I had all of Spectre's stuff posted to the gallery, but apparently I missed at least one.

Is this the one you're looking for?

Sticky site lover

What does the picture look like I can't see it all it is a giant ? Mark




Yes, I believe that is the picture I was looking for. Thank you Luther. I hope you didn't have to go though too much trouble.


I've been looking for another pic (I believe by Spectre) that depicted a girl wearing a blue suit chained to a wall being inflated by a mad scientist.


I have it... but how do you attach a picture? Maybe it's obvious... but I don't see how


You can upload it to the image gallery straight from your HD.


...still looking for it.

LutherVKane's picture

For anyone with a large collection scattered about the hard drive, I highly recommend Google Desktop. It makes finding random obscure files much easier.