Anime News Nina

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Fairia's picture
Anime News Nina

Recent strip of the series at Anime News (for those that go there AND follow the Nina comics). Basically, the characters have been discussing this anime series, in which a character is attracted to a girl who's basically torso-less, mostly head and a very, very small frame with no arms and legs. (No idea if this is a real series, but beside the point)

Most recent strip involved doujinshi of this Kuu-chan character, and it involves just her head and the ridiculously enlarged breasts stereotypically common in anime.

Big plus if anyone can translate the heading of the image; I might try if I can.

spiderhaunt's picture

"ロもありますよ" (or "romoarimasuyo!") translates roughly to "There is also Ro!" or "There is also Lo!"

"ロ" is used to make both the "Ro" and "Lo" sounds in Katakana, and without context it is sometimes quite difficult to discern which is intended. It could be the phonetic mimicry of an english word such as "low" or "row," but that seems unlikely. It could be a Japanese adaptation of a word from another language, a non-Japanese name, or even a sound effect. What ロ in this instance means escapes me, but I'm betting that with a little investigation into the subject matter, you could figure it out easily enough.

"-もありますよ" literally means "-also exists!" but a more common interperatation would suggest a less formal use of the phrase, hence; "There's also ____!"

My best guess is that the kana refers to another character that is somehow related that is drawn in a similar fashion, OR there's another variety of doujinshi (that is referred to as "ロ") that the featured character is also depicted in.

I hope that helps!

...Oh, and I apologize to anyone reading this post witout a Japanese language pack installed in their system. Those empty boxes you see are meant to be Japanese characters. :P

Happy Expanding!!!

Fairia's picture

Thanks for the little tidbits Spider. Didn't know you were fluent in Japanese.

spiderhaunt's picture
Fairia wrote:
Thanks for the little tidbits Spider. Didn't know you were fluent in Japanese.

Oh, I'm a far cry from fluent... I just have a halfway-decent working knowledge of the language, and thought I might be able to help.

Happy Expanding!!!