Dig Dug: The Film Adaptation

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Dig Dug: The Film Adaptation

Don't get too excited here, but this clip just came across the wire.

The scene--if anyone is interested--is short and not particularly well-articulated, but there it is all the same.


Okay, I honestly giggled when I saw that. The sheer absurdity of it, done with a straight face, was quite funny. XD

Pity it wasn't one of those lovely ladies who got the hose. Ah well. ^_^

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


not sure if I want to see this movie. I don't like popping and blood and horror...

LittlePumpkin wrote:
not sure if I want to see this movie. I don't like popping and blood and horror...

I don't think it's actually being made. I think this is one of those prank movie trailers, like the Christopher Lloyd horror version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At least that's the impression I got.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


If any of the girls get the hose in the end... I'll might be interested. But even so, it looks like if its the quality of Scream Bloody Murder we'll be lucky.

oh2bpreg's picture

The Robot Chicken version for any who's interested. Sadly, the only inflation is of a dragon.



Due to the comments, I didn't dare to click neither the first nor the Robot Chicken links. Tell me, is there bood or something I shouldn't see right after eating or if I'm easily impressed?

The-Big-Z's picture

The inflation for both is just...crappy morphs. Not even worth it. Just no. X)


Hmmm, if they did a animated film of CV's Dig-Dug, yes. This, no.

hellview_666's picture

This is a parody/"What If" video...kinda of like the Pacman one that was floating around, and even the Legend of Zelda one too.


Thanks. The "movie trailer" didn't work on my computer though :( I was curious to see the lovely ladies.

darth_clone19's picture

So some people here actually believe its a movie...oh god.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Inflate123's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
So some people here actually believe its a movie...oh god.

Online, apparently, everything is real if you want to believe it is.

This is a parody trailer (maybe you missed the "from the minds of Wes Carpenter and Eli Zombie" joke...or the fact that it's credited to a gaming website...or the fact that the acting and camera work is not exactly top-level stuff). Just enjoy it as such.