Inflation in "Jersey Shore" ad.

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LutherVKane's picture
Inflation in "Jersey Shore" ad.

Saw this one in The Process forums. The ad shows a woman in a bikini performing a bit of body modification by blowing into a valve on her wrist.

It's almost like they had us in mind when they made it.

Bienvenue à Jersey Shore


I'm speechless. :D (That's a first).


DAMN! That is amazing, definately some more material as well is anyone is still around that can do that sort of thing, truely stellar for sure

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

I guess I'm gonna have to be the deuschebag that says I was really disappointed by that =S You guys had my hopes up, thinking it was some sort of rounder body inflation sorta thing =(

Ratbiker's picture

it wasnt what i had first thought of, but it was nice anyways.

nowadays, any inflation is good inflation :P



OOooooo!!! thats really good. Where can I get on of those fitted. xxxx

Bondage with Inflation.... what more could a girl ask for. If you wish to chat to me I am on xhamster. It is a free adult porn site and you will need a profile. Again this is free. Just let me know your from here and you wish to chat about inflating me

Inflate123's picture

Nice find! No complaints here, as an hourglass fan.

Round-as-a-ball isn't the only kind of body inflation, guys. :)


espically since most mainstream (round)body inflation is male anyway -_-

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
darth_clone19's picture

I didnt interpret that as ball shape...just...more inflated...

 -   Read my stories: 


That was inflation?

WakkaFan's picture

Wow, that was pretty good I think. Obviously I'd like to see larger but I'll take this all the same.

Self-inflation is another favorite of mine. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

Fairia's picture

I figured it wouldn't be full body anyway, but it was still very impressive with an ingenious wrist valve idea :)


The valve was cute, but the inflation? Didn't like it, that's one godawful boob-job...there should be a toll booth between those things.


Wow... ok I've been looking for new things and although this show makes the state I grew up in and love look really trashy, I can dig this lmfao.