Error when opening up image gallery

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Error when opening up image gallery

Hey there, when I try to go to the image gallery, I get the following error:

"On /index.php?name=coppermine
While executing query "SELECT count(*) FROM dragonfly_cpg_pictures, dragonfly_cpg_albums WHERE dragonfly_cpg_pictures.aid = dragonfly_cpg_albums.aid AND category >= 10000"

the following error occured: Can't open file: 'dragonfly_cpg_pictures.MYI' (errno: 145)

In: D:\Data\Sites\dragonfly\modules\coppermine\index.php on line: 67"

Just thought I would let you know

LutherVKane's picture

Database glitch. It's fixed now. Thanks for the heads up.

Luther Kane