Inflation crossing over with other fetishes

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Inflation crossing over with other fetishes

Just an idea I had - list how inflation crosses into your other fetishes and why.

My personal examples:

Latex: tight, shiny, balloons are made of it, it stretches

BDSM: forced inflation, pushing limits, bondage (immobilisation)

BBWs: Duh, figure it out :P

Big breasts: see above

Too-tight clothes: again, easy to understand

Messy sex (oil, cream, cum etc): result of popping

Let's see what else people come up with :)

RenegadeKamui's picture

I like "stuck" fetish material, and it's easy to see how that could work into inflation -- say, someone's lips being glued to the hose of an air compressor. Or getting stuck to a helium balloon that's slowly inflating, and having to find a way to get free before it floats away with you attached.

AlecDeluxe's picture

It does occasionally overlap with my shrinking/giantess fetish in an odd way (OK, everything about my fetishes is odd). But I've often imagined about being small compared to a woman (either I shrink or she grows, not picky), and then I try to inflate as big as she is, frog-and-ox style, and BOOM.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

Mentalyinsane's picture

The helplessness aspect can also be found in Vore.

The name's Noitalfin,


I have a couple hangups that probably come from Willy Wonka. One of them in girls in matching tracksuits (and tight belts). The other is more of a preference, but I think it still applies. I've always been into long brown hair, especially with the bangs at the eyebrows.

I've definitely gotten more and more into bbws as the years have gone by. At first, I really only liked to see them clothed as you could kind of imagine everything being tight like a balloon. The realities of the truly huge women were a turnoff for quite awhile; however, I have come to truly appreciate some extremely big women with all of the realities of being that big intact. I've been dating for three years (and lived with for almost two) a rather large girl though she pales in size to some of the models I've been a fan of on the net.

Another one I've been pushed into over the years is furry inflation/wg. At first I was really wierded out but I think I came across such good furry artists that I was eventually converted. My first couple good experiences were the few fat furry drawings SketchVG did back in the day and of course BigHorse's furry inflation drawings back on


When I see a sexy girl in a skin-tight catsuit/leotard (of any material), I normally think of a female assassin out to inflate her victims...


Hmm...maybe an assassin who ends up 'stung' by her own favourite method? I'd love to see that leotard get tighter...


I appear to like guys in suits (suit and tie kind of suit) where the jackets are really tight on the midriff so that the buttons stretch a little. I have a thing for buttons and clothes stretching at the seams (and ripping) in general.

When it comes to inflation itself, however, the clothes itself should not be overly tight otherwise the clothes rip too fast.

I'm also quite a chubby chaser (emphasis on the word "chubby", I'm not into really fat people)

I also have an extreme fetish for helplessness and innocence in males, which goes very well here.

"'Turgid & Swolles', brewing the world's most filling wine since 1964."


Yep, body inflation goes along well with my latex suit inflation fetish. :)