Ethical Question

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Ethical Question

If an artist has shown no inclination to do body expansion drawings or aversion to this community, would I be obligated to tell them about this community if they said they would do a request for me and I wanted it to include inflation?
I'm not going to either way, I have something else I was going to ask this person to do (nonfetish)

RenegadeKamui's picture

If you want to exhibit the commission publicly, you should tell the artist, and let them decide whether or not they want you to. But if you're going to keep it private, I don't think it's any of their business why you bought the commission they agreed to draw.


Well, it's not a commission: it's something he's doing to be nice.


why dont you just invite him to this forum if he's into this stuff? artists always need new venues to help publicize themselves


You don't need to mention the community. You can say that the image of a person becoming a balloon came to your mind and you wanted to see it pictured. You can show him some reference image to get the idea of the way you like it. The inflation could be disguised as something funny or creative or surreal, like when it happens in an actual cartoon or movie or whatever. You wouldn't link to the finished request from here to avoid "being discovered"(if that annoys you). That wouldn't be a problem, because very likely people would find it anyway, maybe someone else here would say "Hey fellows! Look at what I found!" and nobody would know you were the person who requested it, at least not with your inflation reputation.
If you don't know personally the artist in real life, I think this would be no problem. If you have to see him face to face, you might get nervous when mentioning inflation(or at least I think some of us would).
Have a nice day :)


Thank you for the thoughtful response.