homemade inflation suits question

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homemade inflation suits question

Does anyone have any experience making homemade inflation suits? If so, is it possible to get extravagant and make them cross-gender or do you need to buy a latex one if you want to get extravagant?

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


What do you mean by "cross-gender"? There are a few inflatable suit sellers who visit this site, and they'll probably tell you that such suits are not closely tailored -- they inflate, after all. I assume that small, medium, and large are about all there is to fitting.

And there are no limits on "homemade." It just depends on how seriously you take your hobbies. Get the necessary tools and materials, like adhesives or electronic seam welders. Some materials stretch (latex) while others hold shape (vinyl and rubber).

There are also quite a number of fans here who get inventive with beach balls, weather balloons, etc.