I am leaving the site.

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I am leaving the site.

I have decided to leave the web site for personal reasons, and will not be role playing expiation type games again.


I hope things get better for you with whatever problems are going on. Its sad to see people leave...


I am sorry to hear that. If you wish to chat still say hello anytime.

I'm mean. 


I respect your decision but No offense, you weren't here for very long....

Was it something we said?

I'm a revolutionary of sorts.


Don't be a drama queen begging for attention, just leave...don't make a scene out of it

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
Auriga's picture

Sometimes conversation with incredibly stupid people brings sad thoughts like 'am I that stupid too?'


Wow, way to be a cock.


It's unfortunate to see someone go, but it's hard to gather sympathy when they can't even spell.


A classic flounce.

I don't know who disappointed you in your "expiation" game but I hope you find what you're lookin for.