Human evolution in a perfect B.I world.

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Human evolution in a perfect B.I world.

I've been thinking of how bodies would evolve over the years in a b. i. world. My dream would be for ladies to have an inbuilt high pressure air supply with a pull cord type device, how much fun could you have sneaking up and yanking a ladies cord, whoosh, up she goes ! What would our members and visitors like to see in the inflation evolution ?


You obviously don't understand evolution. That pull cord might not be as easy to yank as you imagine:

Female duck anatomy evolves to block "rape"

It's a story full of twists and turns, dead ends, and fowl language... but don't let it get you down.


Human anatomy, evolution, biology and physics fortunately do not work that way.

Since humans don't even have structures with the potential to evolve into belly inflation chambers, this would not happen, like, ever.

Unless some extremely creative geneticist with a thing for BI decided to write his own contributions to the gene pool, but that would be a crime against humanity.

"'Turgid & Swolles', brewing the world's most filling wine since 1964."


This is, of course, based on the idea that evolution won't incorporate nanotechnology or bionic technology at some point.

MMTrigger wrote:
This is, of course, based on the idea that evolution won't incorporate nanotechnology or bionic technology at some point.

Yes, evolution is a man made tool that we can add parts onto...not really. This is 2010 not Futurama. And biology still applies to us regardless if we use those mainly science-fiction technologies you described. I think you might be disappointed to see the modern, real life version of them.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


There are possibilities in the human genome though. Clearly this would be 100% unethical, but Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome would offer possibilities, and congenital diverticula do occur. There's an enzyme secreted during pregnancy which softens tissues, though maybe by the same method as Ehlers-Danlos.

I can also imagine some kind of lifelong training process combined with body modification, but i would definitely want to confine this entirely to the realm of fantasy, unless maybe some time in the future an inflation community integrates this fetish so completely that this would become acceptable.


flationable's picture

Usually when an organism evolves, the evolution serves to increase their survival. For inflation, this means that a 'pull cord' device that can be triggered by others would be just as likely as pigs evolving with the desire to throw themselves mouth-first into a roast spit.

If anything, ideas for inflation-related evolution can easily be gotten from nature.

Pufferfish inflate themselves to scare off predators, just like how other creatures raise their fur/manes (the lizards that do that are awesome) to look bigger. It's a pretty primitive mechanism that relies on the predator to be real easily intimidated.

Certain species have an area between their chin and chest which they inflate as part of a mating ritual. Taking the whole "perfect BI world" dream thing, this would be the most realistic change that a humanoid species could undergo. Going all the way back in the evolution chain, the humanoid species would've evolved from one of these 'inflation to attract opposite gender' animals. (This sounds like a great idea for an Avatar-esque story, by the way.)

Completely realistic would be if the humanoid species/humans kept close to the water all the time during their evolution. Inflatable bladders would assist in avoiding drowning (and thus, increasing the chance of survival).


Aside from evolution taking thousands of years, you would need to be able to pay for all these fancy things you speak of with human intervention. I don't exactly see a market for inflation body alteration surgeries that will last a few thousand years, and I don't know who will fund the research for it, or provide the human lives that will need to be sacrificed. Remember, our immune systems still reject anything foreign as well. That hasn't changed in a long time, altering evolution beyond simple things like how Tibetans live in the mountains is science fiction.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


Zelda, what the heck are you talkin' about? I can't understand anything you just said. And it's not just discontinuity from sentence to sentence, but non-sequitur within any given sentence.

The one thing I can comment on is the statement that our bodies reject anything foreign. There are uncounted millions walking around with blood, bone graft and organs from other people, as well as completely man-made prosthetics.

Most people think of "evolution" as only natural changes in an organism. However, I've seen the argument that evolution is the entire spectrum from the formation of the elements right down to planets, life, advanced organisms and civilization. Each step is necessary for the one that comes next. Thus, man's technology -- certainly a survival tool -- is as "natural" as a beaver's dam.

Our technology may change us, or spawn our successors in the form of an "artificial" intelligence -- if we don't blow ourselves up first! :roll:

Sorry, I got carried away. Just not far enough.


Sorry if you can't read :/ I thought I was pretty clear on pointing out several gaping holes about the "we could evolve" comment. Not to be rude, but do you also have difficulty understanding people who don't speak English as their native language? :P Lets keep personal reading problems to ourselves, it's really irrelevant to any discussion not about grammar...

The Tibetan part should have been picked up by anyone who has seen the news about them possibly being the fastest example of human evolution, their adaption being able to live normally at extremely high altitudes. They say it has happened in less than 3,000 years.

The one thing I can comment on is the statement that our bodies reject anything foreign. There are uncounted millions walking around with blood, bone graft and organs from other people, as well as completely man-made prosthetics.

And we need to severely lower their immune system for the recipient to receive the transplant, and it has to be a match in many cases regarding blood types...and that is not to say they also go without complications later on.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


So, what about silicone breast implants? We're not talking about an organ transplant. Also, money may not be an object for everyone and considering the whole of future history, it's surely conceivable that just as a few thousand years ago there was no money, in a few thousand years time it could have ceased to exist.

This is going to go way off-topic if i say much more.

Collagen is injected right now, trachaeas can be transplanted if the antigens are removed and one's own cells can be cultured and reintroduced. It really doesn't seem beyond belief to me that some of this has possibilities for the sufficiently dedicated inflation aficianado.


doubleintegral's picture
BlankSlate wrote:
Female duck anatomy evolves to block "rape"

It's a story full of twists and turns, dead ends, and fowl language... but don't let it get you down.

I have nothing to add to this discussion, but I cannot let these jokes go unnoticed or unrecognized. Bravo, good sir.


Man, use your imagination!
This is our fantasy. Of course it would be cool if people evolve somehow so they can inflate or eachother. I rather spent my time on imagine that than thinking about the possibilities.

oh2bpreg's picture

I think it would be cool if we had a pufferfish-like defense mechanism. Some one startles you, you suddenly blow up. Just think of what it would be like at a movie theater playing a horror movie.