A story I can't seem to locate

I remember a story about a boy and a girl who worked in a pharmacy or something that also had a photo development department. They got to playing around with the air compressor or compressed air canisters from the photos and obviously used them for better purposes. I remember it being kind of a sweet story.

I thought the name had something about "photo" or "picture" in it but I am coming up empty. Anybody know what I'm trying to remember?

LutherVKane's picture

That sounds like Andrea's Blowup. It has sequels as well.

Inflate123's picture

That is the one! Thank you, I had it on my hard drive and simply didn't connect it to the name.

A click or two took me to the sequels, one of which I didn't know about -- and it features a redhead. Clearly my "red-ar" is not calibrated correctly. Much obliged!


Wow, those ARE great stories, thanks