Favorite horror movies

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Favorite horror movies

I have wondered what other people's favorite horror movie is. My favorite movie is John Carpenter's The Thing, Because I like to see a creature with variety. In other words, the Thing is a shape-shifting alien. Tell me your favorite horror movies.

xxRainbowFalloutxx's picture

I have to say....IT. That movie STILL scares the crap out of me.


I would have to say Alien, close behind The Thing though.

xxRainbowFalloutxx wrote:
I have to say....IT. That movie STILL scares the crap out of me.

How dare you have Ash as your avatar and not mention Evil Dead?

You lose, good day sir.

...I meant that sarcastically.

xxRainbowFalloutxx wrote:
I have to say....IT. That movie STILL scares the crap out of me.

Is it Because you floooaaaat down? lol

xxRainbowFalloutxx's picture

I still can't watch the scene at the very beginning where
IT gets the main character's little brother and the part where the chick goes back to her old house......*Shivers*