Established characters inflating

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Established characters inflating

for some reason, it really bothers me whenever i see inflation art of a celebrity or a fictional character who was not written to inflate. i feel like it violates the character, even if the character appears to be enjoying it in the picture.

i don't mind if it's a character who was written to inflate, though.

so violet beaurgarde = okay. summoner yuna = not okay.

am i the only person who thinks like this?

"'Turgid & Swolles', brewing the world's most filling wine since 1964."

doubleintegral's picture

I always prefer reading about original characters, myself.


I generally dislike "cross-over" fanfic, as well, because authors often mix universes with radically different premises. For example, I've seen forum arguments (and stories) over who would win a space battle pitting Star Trek's Star Fleet vs. Star Wars' Imperial Fleet. One side assumes FTL maneuvers with massive ships flinging nuclear class explosives (or worse) and beam weapons, while the other side features single-man ships "dogfighting" in the vastness of space and the speeds that implies. (I find the latter ridiculous.) In rare cases a cross-over can work, like one 3D animation I saw featuring the Star Wars Imperial TIE fighters against Battlestar Galactica's Vipers. The animators also emulated Zoic's hand-held camera look used in Firefly and later Battlestar Galactica.

I have seen variations where other Wonka characters, including Violet, blow up. That avoids cross-over problems, yet may not satisfy everyone.

Still, I agree with DoubleIntegral -- original characters and situations if one wants to try "real" writing.

turgidandswolles wrote:
i feel like it violates the character, even if the character appears to be enjoying it in the picture.

I know Violet fans who would say "enjoying it" violates the whole scenario. I'm not too keen on any inflation story where the inflatee enjoys the situation and perhaps moans "More! More!" For me I expect surprise at least, more likely panic. The rare exception might be a story involving an inflation fan (like one of us) with, say, an inflatable suit. Such a story is boring, unless something "interesting" happens, such as the suit getting out of control. (A stuck pump, the inflatee enjoying the suit alone and losing their mobility, etc.)

doubleintegral wrote:
I always prefer reading about original characters, myself.

Original characters are also okay since they're written to inflate.

"'Turgid & Swolles', brewing the world's most filling wine since 1964."


I know what you mean, as far as the celebrities go. I only recently replied on a thread about inflating a celebrity because the idea of inflating a particular celebrity actually hit me. I agree with what BlankSlate and LVK said in that thread about the topic, that it just tends to be a list of hot celebs.

As for fictional characters, I don't mind those at all, and even quite enjoy them. They tend to actually get inflation pictures, instead of just "hey, wouldn't it be great if..." Besides, I think violating the characters is just part of it, considering the whole inflation thing is quite the violation of anyone. The times I do feel it's an inappropriate violation are when an artist uses another artist's character and puts in the text something like "I hope so and so doesn't mind," but I love it when it's an art exchange, or when someone like BlooberBoy puts his character in with "real" fictional characters. His Final Fantasy pics are among my favorites.

Last thing, it's quite obvious that Star Wars would whup Star Trek (just kidding, Blank, don't respond to that. :) )

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


On the other hand, I rather enjoy (in Rp's) being inflated by established characters.

That's why they're called "fantasies."


Wow this sure turned into a complicated nerd discussion.

Anyway, I'm not really a fan of drawing "fan art" pics of established characters inflated, as I have my own characters for that.

Very rarely tho I will go out of my way to calm a sexual desire to inflate some video game/movie/anime character that I really like.


Like the original poster, I also like to see original characters used in our pursuits for a number of rather complicated reasons. I almost find it creepy to see or read about commercial characters being inflated.

Formerly known as unknown.

darth_clone19's picture

You are not the only one, but I cant as hell wrap my mind around that logic.

So the characters were not made to inflate...thats the stupidest logic in the universe. Is it a copyright issue? If so, why would we care? Theres no copyright law in the world that says you cant draw established characters.

Violet was not "meant" to be inflated either. Thats just something that HAPPENS to her in the story, and not her purpose in itself. Roald Dahl did not write her in just to inflate her.

Im sorry if I sound rude, I just think that having something against inflating established characters, enough so people want to friggin write about it on the forum, is beyond the realm on INSANE.

Theres a very fine line between "prefering" original characters, and right down saying that otherwise the original charcters, it feels like it "violates" the character, which is completely irrational, especially since this is a SEXUAL FETISH and not just some random trend.

Besides, theres no such thing as "original charcaters". Every single friggin character we've come up with is the avatar of some woman weve really liked and want to see inflated. Thats how we make original characters for stories; in the end, we always do the same: just think of women we like and INFLATE them. So what? Thats what this is about after all. The idea of women blowing up, starts with there being women out in the world in the first place!

 -   Read my stories: 


have to agree with Darth clone I see no real difference between inflating violet or Katara. Mainly I don't have any interest in characters that inflate cause its already done and boring seeing it again and again. I understand you may not like it for whatever reason but to me and many others any character is eligible for inflation. And inflating anyone in general can be seen as just as "creepy" unknown, so don't isolate famous characters cause every single character is original.


I can only speak for myself, but on the topic of established characters, and I will say this as an artist, I really do get tired of notes filling my DA inbox with "Hey, can you inflate *insert popular video game character here*".

It's all over the place. Go to inflatechan, and click on almost any thread in drawn. You'll find a anime/ comic/ video game girl request, most of the time in mass. DA's just as bad, some people's accounts are nothing but established characters blowing up.

For a community which has a tendency to whine about "not enough original content", we sure as hell do produce a hell of a lot of content without originality.

But, I will digress, for as much as it may annoy me, I don't have a huge problem with others inflating established characters, that is unless they do it in some way the makes no sense.

This is not an inflation example, but it does sort of get the point across. I once had a DA'er approach me about a commission. He wanted some final fantasy girls falling victim to the jokers "happy gas". Not only does the crossover make no sense, but also happy gas kills it's victims, yet he wanted them all alive and well. It's that sort of twisting of things that drives me crazy.