I think I may have seen a question like this posed on some other website, but I'd like to get the opinion of people on this site.
Do you think it would be possible for someone to get a belly implant? You know, like a breast implant but making the belly larger instead. It seems like it should be possible, though I'm not a doctor. If it is indeed possible, I'm kind of surprised that no one has ever done it. If they have done it, they must have never shared it on the internet - because I'm sure if they did people on websites like this would have found out about it. That doesn't really make sense though, because you would think a person who would want to do that would also want to share it with the internet if nowhere else.
Obviously, belly inflation is not a mainstream fetish, but it still includes a lot of people (probably more than we'll ever know because a lot of them won't even take such a bold step as to join a website like this). Moreover, it seems to me that many (if not all) of the people with this fetish are pretty devoted to it, and will go to some pretty extreme lengths to actualize it.
Of course, there is the social stigma that would go along with such a decision, but I've heard of people having equally weird permanent procedures done, like having their tongues split, making themselves look more cat-like, etc. Besides, a belly implant might even be reversible. These things seem inexplicable to me.
Anyway, I was thinking of trying to contact some random plastic surgeon to see if it's actually possible. I don't think I would actually want to have it done, but I'm just curious to know if it's actually possible. Seems like there's nothing to lose by simply asking a question like that, but I'm not sure. Any opinions on whether or not that would be a good idea?
Yes, I've thought about this a lot. :D
I'm almost sure this is feasible. I think it would mainly depend on avoiding friction and minimising an immune response. A permanently inflated implant would probably be easier. Out of interest, i'm going to look at some information on breast implants and see if it's doable.