How can i inflate my belly?

Hi im new here and i would love to know some of the easyiest ways to do a belly inflation


Depends, do you want to do it with Air or Water or maybe something else O_o?


I have no idea just something simple

oh2bpreg's picture

Very carefully.


I want to atleast try air but is their n e other methods? Im kinda afraid to try water


There is always a basic coke and mentos thing you could do but I am never very impressed with it when I see it (like on YouTube). There is another way supposedly to do this where you basically inhale air into your stomach. However from what I understand if you have a lot of body fat then it doesn't work as well. Hope that helps.

I'm a revolutionary of sorts.


Im afraid of mentos


Well, if you're afraid of mentos then I don't know what to tell ya. There are a few videos on YouTube regarding how to inflate but they all require a pump and tubing of some sort. Other than the two things I mentioned previously, I think you will be hard pressed to find a more simple way to inflate. I suppose you could get one of those inflateable suits but I don't think that's what you are looking for, unless I'm mistaken. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

I'm a revolutionary of sorts.


I saw one where lady put a ballon up her bum and sat on it and that inflated her stomach


0_o. Ok. If you don't want dangerous. Don't do that. That sounds absolutely painful as hell! I mean unless you mistook her bum for her pussy but even then, that is very dangerous. If you wanna inflate (and are afriad of mentos) don't try that... Ever. Lol

I'm a revolutionary of sorts.


Well my gf is crazy for this stuff and i want her to see me doing it


Try chugging water. That might give you the feel you're looking for. Start with two quarts perhaps and work your way up? You should add some salt to the water if you get past a gallon to prevent water poisoning. I don't know how much you should add but I think you can find the percentage at wiki if you look up saline




you won't get water poisoning form 2 quarts of water...

Not sure how mentos are scary, but that's the easiest way. Worst case scenario is you drink too much soda and throw it up.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


No not from two quarts. I was just mentioning that for if he decided to continue chugging more water


i'm new to this inflation thing so i havent done as much as you guys. i did try the coke and mentos inflation method and got nothing 0_o. a whole tube of regular mentos and diet coke. i'd like to try it again but i think i did something wrong.... maybe not enough coke?....


Personally I enjoy Alka Seltzer and water over Mentos and Coke. I start with six Alka Seltzer tablets and grind them into a powder then very quickly swallow it chasing it down with about one or so quarts of water and the results or incredible. I get huge doing this. You may want to start with smaller quantities to begin because if you can't handle the sudden pressire, you will throw up.


i just got back from wallgreens with a 12pack of alka seltzer,extra stregnth. i'm thinking of trying 1 for now then going up from there. last night i did both water and air. felt sooo good going in, but comming out....


Mentos work primarily because they have rough surfaces on a small scale on which bubbles form, AKA "nucleation sites".  It's difficult to preserve them if you swallow them because you have to chew them, they are wetted by the saliva and the gastric juices start to dissolve them as soon as they reach the stomach.  In order to make that work dramatically you'd need to do something to preserve or form nucleation sites in the stomach or further down.  It's more a physical than a chemical reaction.  However, Mythbusters showed that certain chemical ingredients in the Diet Coke make it more effective.  I seem to remember aspartame and caffeine made the biggest differences, which means i can't use that method myself as i'm intolerant of the former and it makes me pass out.



i saw this guy on youtube using a bycicle pump by sticking a tube coneected to the pump up his butt. then he would pull and push the pump making him inflated. i tried it and i felt alot of pressure inside me. (you might fart a couple times

Robot Pirate Island
Robot Pirate Island's picture

I put the bike pump up my bum and pump,Feels nice

Please msg me!


IM new to inflation and was woundering if anyone could suggest anything to me?

GiftedShana's picture

Perhaps the most in-depth piece we have about the subject :)

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


BalloonInflator's picture

Personally, I think an old thread like this being opened back up is even more evidence that ACG's FAQ needs to be pinned.


Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


A friend of mine , told me to check out this site.. but the problem is " I don't think Belly Inflation is real at all!!.. What is it???