Have you ever had a change of heart?

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inflatingclothes's picture
Have you ever had a change of heart?

Hi , to begin with, have you ever seen someone you don't know and wish you could inflate them? But after getting to know them, decied not too?

Well it's happened to me, because on my facebook page, I've been chatting the Japanese actress who plays Kayako, The Grudge 1 & 2. She's too nice to even drew her inflated.

Hope to hear from you.

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I know this feeling. Tends to happen with people that I really like, but respect too much. I create an exception for them - it's just a no-go area.

doubleintegral's picture

There have been plenty of women that I have visualized inflating. However, I have never been able to do that with my wife, nor with every girl I have ever dated. Kinda weird.


In my fantasy it's suit inflation and the person who has the inflation suit on feels good in it, so probably if I ever think to inflate someone, I would change my thoughts when I hate that person instead of thinking she/he is too nice.

Inflate123's picture
doubleintegral wrote:
There have been plenty of women that I have visualized inflating. However, I have never been able to do that with my wife, nor with every girl I have ever dated. Kinda weird.

That is interesting -- I would have thought those would be the most direct lines of inspiration.


I was so excited the first time I got my wife pregnant (other than the usual reasons) because she would be getting bigger. But as she did, it was just ok. It didn't thrill me the way anyone else's pregnancy would, and I even got to have sex with her. I was really disappointed in my lack of inflated interest with it.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.

darth_clone19's picture


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