Need female for roleplay

Any girl that wants to roleplay inflation, Pm me. Any type of rp is welcome.


This may seem a little harsh but you're really wasting your time.

There are a few ladies here that are very friendly and willing to rp but because the board is extremely male dominated you won't get any replies to a vague rp post like this.

If you search back through the forum you'll see dozens of posts just like this one from random guys that got no responses at all.

If you really would like to find someone to rp with the best way is to participate in forums. There are a couple of recent rp related threads where members have mentioned their RP preferences. You should be able to find a few ladies that you can politely PM about RP.

Good luck


Well spoken rjp101, but a valiant effort morrison

I want you to shave your beard, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow


Most girls on these communities do hang back in the shadows. My assumption is because it probably seems that they are seen as just an object.

Over the years, I've been lucky to talk to several based on the fact that I mainly wanted to talk, and not just jump right into rp'ing. If you ask for that first, it's probably as annoying as some of the a/s/l starts some women get.

This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last- Oscar Wilde

ASIAN!'s picture

*Disapproving stare*

inflatingclothes's picture

Well, I'll let the girl come to me first.

Contact me via Twitter

oh2bpreg's picture

Coming to a fetish board and asking if any woman wants to RP with you is pretty much the equivalent of going to a crowded area and shouting "Any women want to have sex with me?" Neither are going to be very successful.

oh2bpreg wrote:
Coming to a fetish board and asking if any woman wants to RP with you is pretty much the equivalent of going to a crowded area and shouting "Any women want to have sex with me?" Neither are going to be very successful.

That all depends. If the crowded area just so happened to be a sex addiction meeting then I'm sure you'd have some takers :P


I'm sorry you guys, I didn't know. :/

Rp? Message me!

inflatingclothes wrote:
Well, I'll let the girl come to me first.

Yeah, like that really works....

I used to think the same way man :?


Ok just to clear things up. Morrison if you would like to rp i would be happy to do that with you :) the best way to get a girls attention is actually very simple. Let us come to you lol at least thats how I am. Not all ladies are alike of course but yeah. Point of view is definitely a factor in this type of thread. Some people think these threads are pointless and annoying and others think its the only way. Guys lay off the guy, he didnt no what was to come of his thread. Btw to all the people that messaged me about rp ing, im sorry i haven't replied lately. Ive been worn out from work :(



Rp? Message me!

PopperChick321 wrote:
Ok just to clear things up. Morrison if you would like to rp i would be happy to do that with you :) the best way to get a girls attention is actually very simple. Let us come to you lol at least thats how I am. Not all ladies are alike of course but yeah. Point of view is definitely a factor in this type of thread. Some people think these threads are pointless and annoying and others think its the only way. Guys lay off the guy, he didnt no what was to come of his thread. Btw to all the people that messaged me about rp ing, im sorry i haven't replied lately. Ive been worn out from work :(

He knew exactly what he was doing as he's posted the same thing before. That became the infamous Sharkdude thread so I'm sure this one will work out just as well.

There's nothing wrong with with wanting to RP but having a forum that's nothing but guys with single post threads that all say 'looking for girl to RP' is pointless. Much better would be to have a single thread that everyone can post in.

oh2bpreg wrote:
Coming to a fetish board and asking if any woman wants to RP with you is pretty much the equivalent of going to a crowded area and shouting "Any women want to have sex with me?" Neither are going to be very successful.

You are right. I see RPing as something close to "private webcamming". It doesn't feel right to talk to a stranger about something that personal and private in all detail etc.
I would love to share my fantasy with someone and roleplaying, but this is really something I should do with my lover, RPing is too personal. It would feel like cheating.
Yes, very girly talk. :p

fillherup's picture

are any of you nay-sayers near Spokane, WA? :)

I want my uterus filled and I was wondering if it were possible to somehow inject my H cupped breasts with saline to make them bigger :D

can they get bigger?


Count me among the females who enjoy the occasional RP. I have AIM, YIM, and MSN, PM me and discuss what you have in mind and I might be interested in RPing with you.

"There is no sin except stupidity." - Oscar Wilde


Am I eligible?


Can I take your little slot? Pleeez?


What about a dovahkiin? Would I be able? lol



Sent you a message Nega.  And yeah, to add my perspective as a guy, my policy consists of two key points:  First, actually have a conversation with the gal first, get to know her (not in a creepy way of course, just to learn her intersts, her personality, etc.).  After all, she's a person like me.  Second, play to her tastes.  It's only fair that if she's going to let me blow her up, she ought to have as much fun as, if not more than, me.  Does this mean that I get less rp's?  Absolutely.  Does it mean I sometimes play a bit at the border of my comfort zone?  Also yes. 

However, this policy has led to some fantastic rp scenarios.  Thoughts?


Hi ill rp with you X3 pm me ok!


I will! Sorry, this has probs been a while since you posted this, hence the replies. But I will! Is it ok if it's natural inflation? (With food?)