Female Member looking to Blow Up

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Female Member looking to Blow Up

Long time creeper, new FEMALE member on BodyInflation. :)

I have fantasized about inflating to maximum capacity since I was a child, but this interest of mine exploded (pun definitely intended) in my late teens.

I've noticed on these boards that there are few women on here, which is somewhat of a shame since I hope I wouldn't be the only woman in the world that fantasizes about expanding! However, I'm very interested in roleplaying with interested men.

Just so you boys have a general idea of what kind of inflatee I am (I prefer being in that role at all times), here is a list of words and phrases that articulate my particular interests in inflation:

bodysuits, catsuits, popping belts, air (not water), helium or air pump in the mouth (nowhere else), humiliation, etc.

If anyone is interested, send me a pm! :oops:

Mmmmph, mmmwwwmph !


I would like to see that. I am new here to. Male inflationist. I too had it through childhood and teens and I always wanted to see a girl inflate like a balloon.


If you're looking to roleplay, feel free to add me:


Mmmmph, mmmwwwmph !


Roleplaying as in me doing it or you doing, and where do I add you. I am sorry I am new here.


I prefer you doing it to me. You can add me on any instant messenger program, MSN, Yahoo. What I wrote above was the e-mail you can add me on.

Mmmmph, mmmwwwmph !


Welcome to BI.org! Check your messages here on the site, I sent you a note.


OK. Um I dont have an msn or yahoo. I have a google account if thats any good. And some one sent me a note or message where can I check that. Sorry alot new at this


on the left side of the screen, if you scroll around a little, you can find a couple of different areas to click on to get to your inbox for your personal messages


OK what if the message wasnt sent to me and there is nothing in inbox


wow this is a first. we usually have all dudes looking to rp XD welcome to the forum :)


thank you. Now i just want to know how to do this roleplaying


Its interesting that most of these accounts were all made on Sept 5...

^.^ *whistles off*


Most? There's only two.

Inflate123's picture

If you're into creative writing enough to want to roleplay, I'd love to see you write stories of your favorite scenarios and upload those. Especially given your stated preferences and tastes, which are in line with mine.


OK I have uploaded a story to here. I just want to know what to do for this roleplaying. Sorry for bothering or annoying all of you. This is still my first time on here as a member. I have been coming on here as an anonymous


I'm another longtime lurker who is becoming more comfortable with posting here, and is willing to RP with interested parties. ^o^

"There is no sin except stupidity." - Oscar Wilde


Still haven't gotten a reply from her PM :(


me either. :( I hope she is still up for it. I will be willing to see her roleplay

inflatingclothes's picture

Well, she is new. it must be overwhalming to get lot of post in one go.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


So, c4tsuit_b1tch, you prefer inflation with gases, not with any liquids? ;)

The BIGGER - the better!


that would be cool to inflate with gases instead of liquid. Though dangerous if used wrong. It must be overwhelming. Your right inflatingclothes


Yea, most likely got swamped by rp requests again haha.

darth_clone19's picture

catsuit bitch, you have the BEST signature ever

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Hi c4tsuit_b1tch,

My MSN is xcd872@mail.usask.ca

I hope to see you there! :D

Fleetingsanity's picture

Are we talking any kind of inflation or just specifically with Body inflation. Because I would be up for some Breast Expansion or possibly belly expansion if your up for that.

Falcon Pawnch!