Prose That Blows 3: All Hallow's Eve - THE RESULTS

UPDATE 11/16: The results have been posted!

Annnnnnd we're back!

Details here

Submissions are due at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time on Saturday, October 30.

I'll try to be better about sending confirmation messages this time.

Happy authoring!


Just a quick question before I begin, do I post my story on the site or do I send a link to the site? Or does it even matter?

I am the spreader of chaos, the evil that haunts the darkest corners of the human mind I'm the... PFFFFFT!!!!!! Crap, I ripped a big one.

thegassyshadow wrote:
Just a quick question before I begin, do I post my story on the site or do I send a link to the site? Or does it even matter?

Please don't post your story anywhere during the contest. You email your submission to us. You can find our email addresses in the link DI provided. Good luck. :)

RenegadeKamui's picture

I'll give it a shot, but I barely managed to get my PTB2 story under 1000 words, so I'll just have to see how it goes.


I'm not sure I'll take part in this.
I prefer writing normal stories for me and everyone who want to read them.

Pakona wrote:
thegassyshadow wrote:
Just a quick question before I begin, do I post my story on the site or do I send a link to the site? Or does it even matter?

Please don't post your story anywhere during the contest. You email your submission to us. You can find our email addresses in the link DI provided. Good luck. :)

Oh, okay. Then that works. Thanks for the assistance.

I am the spreader of chaos, the evil that haunts the darkest corners of the human mind I'm the... PFFFFFT!!!!!! Crap, I ripped a big one.

doubleintegral's picture
WendigoSkin wrote:
I'm not sure I'll take part in this.

Nobody's forcing you to, bro.


It's the word limit I'm not very enthusiastic about.
Crap, I can't even contain myself when I write.

WendigoSkin wrote:
It's the word limit I'm not very enthusiastic about.
Crap, I can't even contain myself when I write.

I get that feeling all of the time, you aren't alone.

I am the spreader of chaos, the evil that haunts the darkest corners of the human mind I'm the... PFFFFFT!!!!!! Crap, I ripped a big one.


While, think that at school most of students have problems in completing their essays, while mine are even tto long, but well-done.

doubleintegral's picture
WendigoSkin wrote:
It's the word limit I'm not very enthusiastic about.
Crap, I can't even contain myself when I write.

The point of the word limit is to challenge your skills. Writing a good story in 2000-3000 words is easy; writing a good story in 500-750 words is pretty hard, and if you can pull it off then it makes you a better writer.

You should at least try.


I'm quite good at writing drabbles, but the ones I used to write had nothing to do with inflation.


My schedule is going to be pretty hectic this October, but I'll definitely try and give this a shot.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

I strongly support the word limits. What Double says is absolutely true: Less words make more efficient writers of us all.

I would launch into stories from my real life as an editor for the last decade-plus but I won't bore you. But I'm saying less words is a worthwhile challenge from experience.

doubleintegral's picture

I once worked with a guy who was a public speaker and then got his own radio show. He said it was extremely difficult at first for him to neatly divide up his thoughts into five segments of about eight minutes each instead of giving a whole 30-45 minute speech. He would watch the countdown clock on his computer and get horrified because he only had 15 seconds until the next break and was nowhere near finished with his current thought.

As the radio show went along, though, he became much more prepared for it because he became acclimated to the time restraints placed upon him. He was also able to pre-plan his show better and got familiar with the rhythm of the segments and how long it took him to flesh out what he wanted to say.

These benefits filtered back into his public speaking as well, allowing him to give much more effective, organized, and meaningful presentations. The time conditioning he received from the radio show helped as well. He eventually got to the point that, if someone asked him to speak for 30 minutes at an event, he could write out his speech and (without even rehearsing it) know that it was exactly 29 minutes and 50 seconds long.

What's the point of this analogy? If you can write a story in 2000 words, or write basically write the same story in 750 words, why not try to pull it off with 750? Sure, the shorter story will be lacking in some details, but you can probably still get your point across - people always include unnecessary or pointless dialogue/plot elements, so you can cut all that out. When you write more words means that readers have to read more words, and most people's attention spans aren't long enough. And then, if you get good at writing stories that are 500-750 words, imagine how much better your longer stories will be when you apply the same principles.

Inflate123's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
I would launch into stories from my real life as an editor for the last decade-plus but I won't bore you.

I retract this statement. :D

doubleintegral's picture

I just finished my story. 551 words.

dragon_6860's picture

Finished mine as well, 1012 words, trimmed it down to 750 even.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


Don't think I'll be submitting a story this time around but I'll be looking forward to reading the entries and voting.


Any idea how much longer until the stories are ready for our viewing pleasure?

Formerly known as unknown.

doubleintegral's picture

I will get them posted tomorrow night. Too busy today to take care of it.

doubleintegral's picture

Annnnd they're off! All 15 stories posted along with the link to go vote.


Inflate123's picture

The fact that 15 people wrote and contributed is fantastic -- I'm really thrilled to see this much activity. Thanks to everybody who supported this idea.

I think voting is about to end so I'm eager to see the results!

doubleintegral's picture

We've also had 34 votes up to this point, which is also an increase over the last contest.

Results will be posted tonight.

dragon_6860's picture

Awesome :) More votes, more people reading, always good :-D Makes me wonder if there's some way we could advertise better, or if just the nature of the contest (stories) means the votes'll be low.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

doubleintegral's picture

And the results are posted!

AirGrenade brought home the big hardware with wins in Best Story and Most Original Story. tabackattack won for Sexiest Story, and I won Most Disturbing Story.



dragon_6860's picture

Congrats to AirGernade! Also very nice job to tabackattack and you doubleintegral. Very nice job all around!

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Inflate123's picture

w00t to the winners!