Inflation roleplaying

Hello everyone! I am just posting this here because i want to roleplay about inflation. popping, blueberries you name it. but no force feed please. Sorry to those who like it. Anyway im on yahoo and i want to roleplay TONIGHT! My email is and my messenger is ihriea Thank you to all who want to join in my chat tonight.( please hurry)


Or you can PM me. Thanks again!


Yay! Talking to myself again. Maybe no Rp until a bit later tonight. And guys and girls welcome. Thanks again(again)


Animal speaks for us all. Again.


Thank you hajile for posting. Now i can pretend im not talking to myself. Anyways, a reply to my post. A lot of men have been wanting to RP. Im fine with that. I would also like to Rp with other girls. I like being able to share the same situation and knowing how it feels, so to speak. So yeah, quick recap. Guys=good, more girls = Even better. ( no offense to the guys, i still would like to chat.)


im trying to RP with you XD but our times are so weird... you night time is my day time and vise versa XD

hello everyone :D if you want to RP, just send me a message and i will reply as soon as im on

sethshark's picture

im in australia, at least 8hrs difference from anyone :(
I would love to rp but the different time zones prove very difficult to overcome.

bellyexpansion (not verified)

PM me ;)


I'd love to roleplay message me!!!


is RP via just Email fine? i have a Gmail but I can send stuff to you... i just can't get a YIM.


If you wanna RP with me shoot me a message of what you like and are willing to do, and what you don't like and are not willing to do. I'm open to a lot, but what i am not open to.... well... it's due to things i've had heppen in my past.


This thread is very old people, I have ihriea on my contacts list, she hasn't been around for years.

I wonder if something like inflate-chan's autosage might be an idea, where very old threads that haven't been posted in for a long time can still be responded to, but won't bump to the top of the list, as we get quite a lot of these, and I'm assuming two of the three people who have posted in this thread didn't notice it was an old thread, just saw it at the top of the list.


Valid point... I was rushed so i didn't see the date of the original post.

If you wanna RP with me shoot me a message of what you like and are willing to do, and what you don't like and are not willing to do. I'm open to a lot, but what i am not open to.... well... it's due to things i've had heppen in my past.