Gaah! I bought it and it wont DL properly. I got the Reader program... several reader programs and they all say its damaged... I cant even get the thing to convert to a normal pdf... what the ****!
Inflation Comic Book
A new pdf comic book that features inflation is out (albeit furry inflation but, meh).
Blown out Of Promotion
You gotta use the specific adobe program. Should be a link on the download page.
Gaah! I bought it and it wont DL properly. I got the Reader program... several reader programs and they all say its damaged... I cant even get the thing to convert to a normal pdf... what the ****!
It took me a couple tries to figure it out also. For some reason, it seems the computer does not automatically associate that file type with the program, so you have to actually run the program first then open the comic file from inside the program. After that, the program just remembers where the comic file is located.
Still dosent work. I get " blownout..acsm:
IO Error on local file open
Event Detail:
Error #2038
--- end --- "
I was hoping someone would spread that file around, but that's probably a bad idea to ask here. >.>
Here's what you need to do:
1) Download Adobe's Digital Editions, and install it.
(Not Acrobat, or any of the Acrobat replacements...)
2) Purchase & Download the Blownout Adobe Content Server Message (.ASCM file - about 995 bytes)
3) ADE will automatically download the comic from the content server.
4) Read, and Enjoy!
What kind of inflation? Full body or just breast?
that looks juicy! be discreet when you spread it around haha
What kind of inflation? Full body or just breast?
Looks like in the first issue it's a lot of breast and hourglass inflation. The second issue is supposed to have a lot of huge full body inflation though.
Ok, that's furry, but it's too tasty to miss it!