Could anyone send me a TMC out of pure kindness?

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Could anyone send me a TMC out of pure kindness?

Hi guys, had a bit of a fuck up...
My softokens account won't let me log in and it won't let me buy The Curse from TMC :( If anybody has the clip, out of sheer kindness, could you send/e-mail me the clip??? Cant use my credit card to buy clips cus my gf looks through my mail :/ If any has The Curse, please could you e-mail it to me?????

Thanks guys :cry:


Tell that bitch to stop reading your mail. :) Or sign up for paperless banking at your credit card company. If they don't offer it, sign up for a credit card that does.

Inflate123's picture

Sorry to hear about your situation, but this is the kind of request I do not think you should make. No matter what the technical issues may be, if you haven't paid the creator, you shouldn't be asking for the content.


Yeah Inflate123, i guess you're right :| however i am slightly anoyed tht there havent been many body inflation trailers for Taylors clips. I think she should make some trailers for them, it would at least satisfy my hunger for the vid.
And/or, if you go on youtube, people have put up her clips, sometimes they put up the whole clip... If someone with the clip could put it on youtube or dailymotion or something, everyone could see it.
I just really wanna see that clip :(

Thanks anyway

Fleetingsanity's picture

Why not set up a pay pal I'm pretty sure that TMC accepts that. I went to check it just then but for some reason I can't get to the store at the moment. Unless she looks at your online bank statement and if so tell her to knock off, she's your girlfriend not your wife that's none of her buisness.

Falcon Pawnch!

Fleetingsanity wrote:
Unless she looks at your online bank statement and if so tell her to knock off, she's your girlfriend not your wife that's none of her buisness.

Seconded. I don't do that crap to my boyfriend because it just feels crazy. So long as you're not buying prostitutes or something, it's really not her concern what you spend your money on. She really doesn't have a right to monitor your spending habits.

bloatingtillexploding's picture

You are aware that Taylor actually roams these boards frequently?

You are openly requesting for someone to steal content for you.

You'll have to find another method or maybe you talk to Taylor about incorporating PayPal in into her payment method schematics. That would be a great idea now that I think about it.

If you are reading Taylor... add PayPal if you can!

-Just another weirdo