Female Inflationists, charge!!

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darth_clone19's picture
Female Inflationists, charge!!

I would like female inflationists to respond to this retard:


I think this concerns you more than us guys, since the very existence of your point of view makes her arguments fall on their own ass.

The only inflationist that has defended himself in this is an idiot. >_>

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I don't like what she wrote as well but she is intitled to her opinon. I would just let this go and remind ourselfs of this pic. http://bellymanga.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d10r3s5


Round the horses! Gather the knights!

We shall burn the heretic at the stake!


darth_clone19's picture

How do you conclude that we cant argue against her just because she is "entitled to her opinion"? Freedom of speech is not freedon from criticism.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


We're not madmen trying to inflate every single woman we meet as someone thinks...
Lateralus, if you move I'll bring horse, armour and weapons too.

inflatingclothes's picture

well, sounds like we have a feminist, she seems to complain about anything pervy, well i wonder if she has a secret fetish?

any thoughts?

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Everyone has a secret fetish! lol and as for that girl, "the more you hate...." =P


I started writing something in reply. Just a respectful riposte. But my computer is running exceedingly slowly. It was a case of: type sentence, go away for the 5 minutes it takes for the sentence to appear on the screen, type next sentence...

I gave in, it was infuriating me and I couldn't be bothered expending that much effort to try and debate with someone whose opinion I couldn't care less about.

But my point was that, aside from some of her other points (that all genders and sexualities are represented in our fetish, and that I personally have never seen an inflation pic on the dA home page in all my years), she makes the same mistake so many others do, and confuse a fetish with a judgement on how the female body should be. So many of those who criticise us do so because they think that we are a bunch of guys who think that unless a girl has unrealistically huge breasts, or is 30 stone, or whatever, she is unattractive. I was going to emphasise that it is the process of inflation that turns us on, the pressure, the up with a substance, not simply a girl with grossly exaggerated features.

I was also gonna add that all sexual gratification involves objectification. It is a sin (if it is that) that every man and woman alive is guilty of. Drawing an inflated woman to wank over is no more or less objectification than watching porn. There is nothing wrong with objectification if you have a sense of perspective and separate it from how you form an opinion of anyone of the appropriate gender.


Well... so what?

Someone on DA doesn't understand our fetish and doesn't like us.

Who cares? Is she the president of the internet or something?

The only thing I find funny was the idea that it's "shoved in her face everyday on the front page." Whatever. Like most of the internet, she doesn't seem to understand that you can simply not click on things.

I do like the idea that inflation is everywhere though. It's taking over the front page of DA and slowly enveloping the internet like the blob. Everywhere you look nowadays someone is filling with something or other. Inflation perviness is taking over! :roll: :lol:

...I meant that sarcastically.

Blue_Eyes's picture

Why would you give them more attention? Let them whine about things they don't like and move on.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture
Blue_Eyes wrote:
Why would you give them more attention? Let them whine about things they don't like and move on.

^Quote for Truth

Seriously people, lets not get all Fur-secution-ish now, Just ignore the troll and they will die.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.

doubleintegral's picture

Normally I leave this type of stuff alone, but I posted a rather detailed and tasteful (I thought) response on her page. I also challenged her to read my inflation fetish manifesto. I'm honestly curious to see what she says.


I read what you put on deviant art, Well said! Very tasteful =]

bloatingtillexploding's picture

This is nothing to worry about. She said right from the bat that it's her opinion.

I don't think we should have to explain why we like what we like to anyone to be honest. We simply do it as a courtesy or to defend ourselves.

My 0.02 cents.

-Just another weirdo


Well, she and her pals have obviously decided that aynone that likes this is a perv; she finds the concept of whole galleries dedicated to this creepy and frightening and they're quite obvioiusly not interested in hearing our opinions:

Her mind is made up.

Incidentally, what web page is she referring to that she sees this every day?

airtankgirl5's picture

I cannot see any possible benefit to responding to anything she said. It's not like I want to "convince her to come over to the dark side" or something. In fact, I'd rather she just stay as far away from me as possible.

"If" she's a feminist (if she is, she's a bad one), she's the sort that gives my sort of feminist a bad name.


Anyone seen Mark Grungor? He is on youtube too.
I suggest all the men in here go and see his videos.
Then you will understand one thing: Women think with their heart. You cant talk reason with a women or even think you can win a discussion.
You cant fight feelings with logic or vise versa.
After watching all his videos, me and my wife have it much better. She knows how my brain works and know how hers work.
No need for pitty discussion.
And one more thing: There are a lot of idiots on the internet. The reason this girl said what she said was propably to start a flame war or she has some kind of personal agenda.
Let it be and forget her. There are propably hundreds of thousands more of her kind

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

airtankgirl5's picture

And there goes Slayer, proving that just because we share a fetish doesn't mean we have to like each other.

Screw you dude.

doubleintegral's picture
slayer wrote:
And one more thing: There are a lot of idiots on the internet.

I think we just uncovered one more.

darth_clone19's picture

Kudos to ATG! haha

And by the way guys, I am a feminist (if you didnt know men can be feminists, guess you dont know what feminism is), and nothing she says is feminist. Feminism does not mean ignoring sexuality completely (especially if she is the sort of feminist who reads Foucalt), which is what she does.

I just think there is a whole group of people out there that dont understand this is a FETISH; or dont understand what a fetish is, for that matter.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

bloatingtillexploding's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
Kudos to ATG! haha

And by the way guys, I am a feminist (if you didnt know men can be feminists, guess you dont know what feminism is), and nothing she says is feminist. Feminism does not mean ignoring sexuality completely (especially if she is the sort of feminist who reads Foucalt), which is what she does.

I just think there is a whole group of people out there that dont understand this is a FETISH; or dont understand what a fetish is, for that matter.


-Just another weirdo


Didn't think I'd ever find myself siding with AirTankGirl, but I do agree with what she said.

It kinda is pointless to argue with someone who for some reason or another, can't understand something they just don't get.

The average "normal" person would probably just say "huh, that's weird" and pass on without giving it a second thought.

All this girl is doing is just proving how ignorant and narrow-minded she is.

WakkaFan's picture

I dunno, I'm not seeing the huge deal here. Maybe it's just me.

Seems she's just voicing her opinion. Sure it does kinda paint us as being strange (which is somewhat true) but I didn't feel offended or anything reading what she wrote.

I just take it as her opinion and while I happen to disagree with it I don't feel the need to try and explain my side of it or defend myself.

This is just how I personally interpret this though.

http://wakkafan.deviantart.com/ Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

darth_clone19's picture

Thats the thinkg: its an OPINION. Guys, having an opinion is not like ADOPTING A VIEW. Opinions are uneducated, un-studied, and worst of all, INMEDIATE. She did not care to make a single effort in researching, and she started ranting about things that are not even at issue in our fetish. Its not even about us being strange: she started describing FOR US what OUR fetish makes us feel. Thats why I made this thread, cuz the very existence of female inflationists negates her whole argument.

Thats the big deal, and thats why I got mad (and yes, I basically insulted her, cuz Im sick of people using free speech as an excuse to be stupid).

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

inflatingclothes's picture

well after reading all the posts, I think we should let it die down and forget about her, the only time we should stand our ground is if she makes a fuss on this site.
like her opinion stinks. Makes me wounder how she would react, seeing Bambi's old stuff or M Taylors videos?

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


I wrote a response. So sue me.

Blue_Eyes's picture
inflatingclothes wrote:
well after reading all the posts, I think we should let it die down and forget about her, the only time we should stand our ground is if she makes a fuss on this site.

We shouldn't have made anything out of it in the first place. Who cares what she thinks? Like you said, unless she was creating a scene on here, there is no point in pressing the issue.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Heart-chan's picture

tried, couldn't find a decent reason to argue, find a better stamp


I don't get why you guys are afraid to talk to this person. I think part of the reason this scene has such a bad image is because people don't really understand it.

I don't think we need to be aggressive - in fact she seems to be open to intelligent conversation, so I think we should give her that. If we did things like this more often then maybe more people would have a better understanding of who we are.


As it happens, i posted something on the thread yesterday after waiting a few years.



airtankgirl5's picture
flyingpilot wrote:
I don't get why you guys are afraid to talk to this person. I think part of the reason this scene has such a bad image is because people don't really understand it.

I don't think we need to be aggressive - in fact she seems to be open to intelligent conversation, so I think we should give her that. If we did things like this more often then maybe more people would have a better understanding of who we are.

Out of four sentences, you are mistaken in each one.

But, hey, there's no one holding you back, go get her, sport! ;)


Again another thing we need to give a rest

Mentalyinsane's picture

I actually considered posting a smart-ass response about if she was going to rail BDSM next, because I generally describe body inflation as BDSM lite to these kinds of people. But then I read Wrenspot's well thought out and heartfelt response (which everyone here should read) and I then concluded that I didn't need to.

The name's Noitalfin, http://noitalfin.deviantart.com/

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Out of four sentences, you are mistaken in each one.

But, hey, there's no one holding you back, go get her, sport! ;)

You're probably right, but you didn't have to be so mean about it.

flyingpilot wrote:
airtankgirl5 wrote:
Out of four sentences, you are mistaken in each one.

But, hey, there's no one holding you back, go get her, sport! ;)

You're probably right, but you didn't have to be so mean about it.

Problem is, I went to her page, and apparently when someone DID try to gently and reasonably communicate with her, she deleted his post and issued a warning. She had already made up her mind and further discussion will not budge cause her to alter her opinion.

Blue_Eyes's picture
hfilled wrote:
flyingpilot wrote:
airtankgirl5 wrote:
Out of four sentences, you are mistaken in each one.

But, hey, there's no one holding you back, go get her, sport! ;)

You're probably right, but you didn't have to be so mean about it.

Problem is, I went to her page, and apparently when someone DID try to gently and reasonably communicate with her, she deleted his post and issued a warning. She had already made up her mind and further discussion will not budge cause her to alter her opinion.

Because we shouldn't have done anything in the first place. No matter what anyone here says to her and how nice they say it, it's not going to change her OPINION.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


That seems defeatist to me. Or do you just mean her? People do change their minds sometimes, which is just as well or we'd still be under feudalism.



Blue_Eyes's picture

No, in general. I just don't see the point in trying to convince her about something she obviously disagrees with. Its not like she came here and starting going on about it. It is just a waste of time for all parties really. In the end she basically dismissed everything you all tried to explain did she not?
Now if she was on this site or posting things/harassing in one of our DA journals,pages and etc, then I could see the point in trying to talk with her. She wasn't though, so just move on and accept that people don't share the same interest with us.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Possibly. I found some of what she said to me to be quite innocuous. She still accused me of having rape fantasies though, which isn't the way to make friends exactly.



doubleintegral's picture

My goal was not to change her mind, but rather to simply educate her about the fetish, and in that area I think I was successful. In the end she did not "dismiss everything I tried to explain" because her response was always that she still did not like it, which is fair.


Yeah, she can see it how she wants. That's her deal.

Me? I'm going to enjoy myself regardless. And that includes looking at and fantasizing about inflation.

Besides, she's not the first person to gripe blindly about inflation, WG, BE, expansion in general. She won't be the last, just let her go baww in her corner.

Inflate123's picture

If doubleintegral had a discussion, she understood your points, and politely disagreed, that's the end. There's no need to go back and, say, try to help her understand more; she has accepted the info and she has formed an opinion. Unless she actively says "What am I missing that might change my mind," walk away. Double has already done due diligence, as did Wren.

That said, I wanted to comment too but stopped myself. I did not agree with some of her leaps of logic and assumptions-as-fact. For instance, she defends her opinion as neither right nor wrong at the top, but also says "Do you think big boobs are better? They're not." Funny, that sounds pretty definitive, like you've made up MY mind with YOUR opinion. But that'd just be dismissed as argumentative nitpicking, and I realized it wouldn't help.

The one thing she said that got me very close to commenting: "Sex ought to be sensual & loving between partners."

For the record, my wife knows about my inflation fetish, understands it, and accepts it for what it is. She does not personally share it in the form of finding it a turn-on, but she does have fun with it because of my reaction to it. Our sex has been, is now, and continues to be sensual and loving...yet inflatably kinky. We're entering our third decade together.

Having an inflation kink about women is not the opposite of having respect for women. Maybe she didn't mean to make that connection, but that was my takeaway, and that assumption has not been my experience.

Ultimately, a fetish is impossible to ever fully explain to someone who simply does not share it. The fantasy stories you read and pervy images you see online may be an anonymous window to someone's soul, but you're still on the outside looking in.

doubleintegral's picture

For the record, I think she conceded some of her original comments or leaps of logic since they were certainly not of the one-size-fits-all variety. She just didn't like the idea of someone being inflated against their will, and that's fine.


I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with trying to persuade someone to have a different opinion about something, but after talking to this person a little it became obvious to me that she was a complete idiot. It's like talking to a brick wall - pointless.

Inflate123's picture
doubleintegral wrote:
For the record, I think she conceded some of her original comments or leaps of logic since they were certainly not of the one-size-fits-all variety. She just didn't like the idea of someone being inflated against their will, and that's fine.

Yeah, I did see that. And that makes sense.

But...well, with no awareness of the community, no insight to why they're written, and no familiarity with the breadth or depth of content available...that's just a strange thing to come out so strongly against, with a stamp for a public campaign and everything. Like, the internet needs to be protected by a total stranger with no involvement...?

It's like me hating a type of junk food that I've never tried and never will, then starting a campaign to stop other people from eating it, even though I have no idea why people find it delicious and no desire to find out. Why do I care so much? Why is it seen as a threat, and why am I making myself society's protector?

doubleintegral's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
But...well, with no awareness of the community, no insight to why they're written, and no familiarity with the breadth or depth of content available...that's just a strange thing to come out so strongly against, with a stamp for a public campaign and everything. Like, the internet needs to be protected by a total stranger with no involvement...?

You mean people aren't supposed to do that? Damn, and I just finished my anti-Lady Gaga stamp.

I really, truly, honestly don't get why everybody is getting so much heartburn about this. Does her opinion directly affect your ability to enjoy your fetish? It hasn't for me. Myself and others presented to her what I thought was collectively a very convincing, level-headed case for our fetish. She took all that in and still does not like the fetish. That does not make her an "idiot." She may have been a little emotionally charged when writing her very first words about us, but she has since backed off on a lot of that, and honestly, who hasn't regretted something they've written in the heat of the moment?

Everyone with chips on their shoulders: just get on with your life. Go look at some inflation art. Go read my newest story. But stop acting like it's our God-given right to indoctrinate everyone with our fetish or by God they must just be "idiots." Honestly, it makes us look pretty aloof and does more harm than good.