Can anyone translate this (Japanese, I assume) comic?

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Can anyone translate this (Japanese, I assume) comic?

There's this little cutesy (well, in most ways) comic I found that I've been wanting to have translated for quite a while. I thought I'd ask around here if there's anyone who could have a look at it and see if they could translate it.


I don't know what they are saying, but the more I look at these, the more I'm convinced Japanese are light-years before us.

bloatingtillexploding's picture

I could translate it but it's not worth my time I'm afraid. A panel or two, sure but this is a full blown comic haha.

-Just another weirdo


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Inflate123's picture
BlankSlate wrote:
Got an iPhone?

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That is THE coolest thing I've seen since TiVo.

When they add Japanese support, our fetish lives will change for the better.

JSK00's picture

Yeah, that's a nice app, but it's too bad the support packs aren't free. Oh well.

On topic, any progress on translating the comic?


I don't have an Iphone, so no luck there...


Gimme about a day, I should be able to crank out a translation for you.

Find my stories at!


Cool, thanks a lot.


Here's a colloquial translation of pages 1 and 2. Note that, because it's Japanese, speech bubbles are ordered right to left.

1: Aah! My balloon!
2: It would be great if I could fly across the sky like that...
3: Woohoo!
SFX: Bonk!
4: I shall grant you this wish!
5: Huh?! Really?!
6: Okay! Leave it to me!
SFX: Shook shook (pumping sound)
SFX: Mmmmmmmf!
7: Mm mrrg grmmm! (Not like this!)
8: Huh? Did you want to fly around like you had wings?
9: It would've been nice if you'd said so...
SFX: Pfooo (air escaping)
10: Eh, this is fine, anyway. This is more like... floating...
11: So, by the way. How exactly do I get back down to the ground?
12: Um... It should work if you just pull out the plug.
13: The plug?
SFX: Fssssssss fsssss
14: Of course, if all the gas came out fast, you'd fall awfully hard...
15: But maybe if we let it a little more slowly...
SFX: Mwahaha...
16: You'll have to get down eventually, right?
17: I just want to be normal as soon as possible...

Find my stories at!

herotheballoonwolf's picture

which one is page 1 and page 2 ?


The post date, comrade.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium


Page 3!

18: Uggggg... it's not working! RAAAAAGH!
19: Aaah! Didn't I warn you?!
20: It'll be okay as long as I let out just a little gas at a time, right?
21: Well, I guess you can do it this way, but... uh...
22: At this rate, you're gonna land in the middle of the ocean. Looks like you're gonna have to make a water landing.
SFX: Da dumm! (Ominous sound)
23: Gah!! When did that happen?!
24: Mwahaha! Now what, hm?
25: Gulp! Well, could you... plug it... one more time?
SFX: Psssssshhhhhh
SFX: Ahaha!
26: Okay! Roger!~ More Gas, coming up!

Find my stories at!


Thank you a lot for sharing this translation mate.


No problem. I've had 4 years of Japanese classes, so it's nice to put them to use. 4th page is in process now.

Find my stories at!


Page 4

27: Ah... I'm so tired!
28: And just whose fault do you think that is?
29: Once we get inside, I'll return you to your normal form.
SFX: Mu gu (pushing, squeezing)
30: Wait, uh oh!
31: AAAAAAAAGH! I'm... I'm stuck!
SFX: Gi... (stuck)
32: Yeah... do you think it's from the gas I added a little while ago?
33: Glad I found this handy stick~
34: W... Wait!Don't do that! DON'T!

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herotheballoonwolf's picture

any progress on the 5th page ?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Are post dates just a foreign concept to you?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

darkburster2's picture

They must be lol, the pics don't even exist anymore heh.

Misery loves company.

Inflate123's picture

Yes, your translation is appreciated -- thank you for making it worth your time!


Thanks a lot for the translation so far. There's a lot less text there than I expected there to be with how jam-packed those speech balloons are, heh.


As I noted, it's a colloquial translation, so I'm adjusting what it says to make it sound more natural. i.e. "I want to return back to the form i was before" becomes "I want to be back to normal"

Find my stories at!


This is great. Where did You find It?


Just seeing a bunch of photobucket icons and not pages.


*tags in Margeret*

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium