Uh... What do I do?

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Uh... What do I do?

Okay, so... Those of you who have talked to me on and off the forums here know that I've been seeing a guy for awhile who I have wanted to tell about my fetish. The problem? I'm -terribly- shy about it.

That said, I try to be careful about looking at certain things on my computer when he's around, buuuut... I've slipped here and there. I recently 'accidentally' clicked a video where a guy demonstrates his ball inflation suit. About halfway through, he looked over at my monitor and, rather than say "what the hell is that?" or "why are you looking at that?", he surprised me and said that he's curious about what the suits are like. He even started to say the fetish is common, then backpedaled a little.

In my... Infinite goofiness, rather than take the obvious chance to tell him, I giggled and said it looked funny (to be fair, the way the guy was stuck on his back, kicking his feet... It made the suit jiggle and while I loved watching that, it was funny for some reason).

Now I'm desperate to tell him and thinking I might ask him if he'd really be interested in trying the suit out.

I know someone here has experience with inflation suits! Anyone have any advice? I'm... Well, a mix of scared and excited...

Heart-chan's picture

I'm in a similar boat, I'd say don't spring it on him like that. He may have said it was interesting, but you also mentioned he tok it back quickly. he too may not be comfortable with this idea, he might not even know what to do with himself over it, take it very slowly, test the waters, and see where it goes


He keeps randomly mentioning inflation and things of that nature. This is... Probably the third time we've had it mentioned recently? I'm going to see if I can't get him thinking more on it without being blatantly obvious.


Maybe you should try to work it into a general conversation, for example try to get him talking about kinks in general, or make it into a game.

airtankgirl5's picture

I also suggest drawing out his own kinks. Offer some of yours, get some of his. Don't put it all out there at once, work into it. maybe let him "catch" you looking at another of those vids or a pic or something and when he ask you about it, get all thoughtful and " I...don't know, its strangely intriguing. It sorta appeals to me, but I dont know why...maaaaybe you can help me figure it out?"

Just a thought.

I took a guess on my husband's inflation fetish and I was lucky, i was right. I'd have felt really stupid if I had been wrong


Watch a Mainstream movie with an incidental Inflation scene and see if he gets a boner.

The quickly inflate your concealed Zentai suit and see if he gleefully jumps you.

"Continue the research..."


I've been trying to start conversations about fetishes with him, but I think I'm going to have to just come across some more inflation suit videos or something.

Do have some riff trax movies and I think Willy Wonka is on there. Something about some of the ball suit inflations, though... I think one of them, the guy kept shaking the belly of his suit and that appealed to me greatly... :P

I love you guys for helping me out with this. <3 Thanks!

airtankgirl5's picture
Kadche wrote:
I've been trying to start conversations about fetishes with him, but I think I'm going to have to just come across some more inflation suit videos or something.

Do have some riff trax movies and I think Willy Wonka is on there. Something about some of the ball suit inflations, though... I think one of them, the guy kept shaking the belly of his suit and that appealed to me greatly... :P

I love you guys for helping me out with this. <3 Thanks!

This is not dissimilar as to how I found out about my husbands inflation fetish while we were dating.


Now to just wait until he isn't down with a massive cold and doesn't have a raging headache! Sigh...


I would have voted for 'panic' m'self, but people advise never to take my advice. :)

Sounds like you've got some good options from previous posters. Best of luck with it!