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Hello fellow fetishists. I figured it was time i made some more friends around here, so was wondering if any of you would want to chat. I also have a deviantart account and draw pictures now and then (http://nooone91.deviantart.com/)

I am straight male but I will chat with anyone. RPing is always welcome, but I am more interested in just talking with others who share the fetish and swapping ideas. I don't come on here just to chase chicks and I value intellectual discussion (but chicks are always welcome *wink.*)

My preferred chat is MSN, and my email is nooone91@yahoo.com. I also have a YIM on same email, but im rarely online.

Thanks :)

inflatingclothes's picture

Hi there, I've just opened my DA page like your work.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09