What would u do?

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What would u do?

If u were imbued with the ability to change anyone in any way would u use it with ur targets consent, or would u watch as they freak from the change or both?


I would use it both ways. My reasons are that some people need a lesson, some would be fun to watch, others want the change(s), but mostly to watch a willing target as she expands/inflates as their clothes rip apart slowly. I also think it'd be fun watching a non willing target as he/she changes how I'd want just to see how theyd react.

airtankgirl5's picture


Including if someone with the same power would turn it on me too ;)


Both, especially to punish the wicked.

Blue_Eyes's picture


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Hydrogen. It's half the weight of helium and has explosive possibilities.




I'd use it non-consensually vs jerks but without popping; possible popping with consensual ones--this assumes I have the ability to choose the medium involved.

Fleetingsanity's picture

I would use it with consent, hell make money off it there are lots of people out there that would like to change things about themselves but don't want to go under the knife. Maybe a little without adjust a bust size here or a plumpness of ass there lol.

Falcon Pawnch!


Lol like I said th power to change anyone in anyway ud want. This involves th medium ud use, how fast, whether they stay completely human, etc. n ya id probly use it to gain money but id put plastic surgeons out of business lol. in this senario u cud even cause sum1 to have an effect on others. giving a woman bigger boobs that produce milk which in turn inflates th person that drinks it or cud force them to find out what its like as th opposite gender temporarily or permanently n cud even depend on how much they ingest.