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Blew up

The other day while sitting at home, by myself, I logged onto the internet, only to end up on this website.... Then I thought, "why not blow up yourself?" So I grabbed a hose a very large balloon and started blowing up.... I got to epic proportions. I must've been a good 5 feet around and was SO turned on by everything that was happening that I came without even touching myself.... over and over.... it was crazy. Being so helpless and so blown up - I was in heaven and hell at the same time..... anyone else have any similar experiences? What's your ultimate fantasy?

Ratbiker's picture

wait, what?


doubleintegral's picture
iltbu123 wrote:
anyone else have any similar experiences?

Absolutely. I once vomited into a toilet for 15 straight minutes, so I can sympathize with helplessness, heaven/hell (heaven because of nausea relief, hell because of the obvious), etc. I'd be lying if I said it made me orgasm.

Actually, I guess it really wasn't all that similar.


Interesting 5 feet with what type air or gas?

Blue_Eyes's picture

...uh huh.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


In other news, iltbu123 was also flattened by a boulder, blown up by a round anarchist-style bomb and only blackened, and got into an argument with Daffy Duck. You could say it was a looney day for him.


Just asking a question if they use helium that's all or if they used air in fantasizing their story? Stupid smuck hajile.


Five around. SIXTY inches. Unless s/he's already obese to begin with, I can't see that happening.

Jap101 wrote:
Just asking a question if they use helium that's all or if they used air in fantasizing their story? Stupid smuck hajile.

...Huh? I wasn't even talking about you or to you. I was pointing out that you can't inflate to five feet around and exist in the real world, compared to a world created by Chuck Jones or Tex Avery.

And I'm pretty sure it is "schmuck."


6/10. I've seen better, but you get silver.


first off, it was a balloon... second, don't even act like you don't fantasize about things like this. We're all on this site for a reason.

iltbu123 wrote:
don't even act like you don't fantasize about things like this. We're all on this site for a reason.

Sure we do, but the reason we do so is because it's fantasy, meaning we can't do it in real life...

Blue_Eyes's picture
Lateralus87 wrote:
iltbu123 wrote:
don't even act like you don't fantasize about things like this. We're all on this site for a reason.

Sure we do, but the reason we do so is because it's fantasy, meaning we can't do it in real life...

Nor do we claim to have done so.

Though we could have just been set up/trolled. Hard to decide.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


*sighs* no sense of humor. alot of ppl r big buzzkills :/


When they should just be big, round buzzkil - OW.

Lateralus87 wrote:
iltbu123 wrote:
don't even act like you don't fantasize about things like this. We're all on this site for a reason.

Sure we do, but the reason we do so is because it's fantasy, meaning we can't do it in real life...

Some of us do, though of course not as spectacularly as in fantasy.



Inflate123's picture

In a few months, when the threads all ask "Why have so many people left the community?" please link them here.

The community is only as good as we make it. Less like this would make it better.


Wow, people are really jumpy around here. The first post clearly said they were talking about a balloon and everyone missed that. A lot of people around here like to stuff balloons in their clothes and fantasize, and they call it "inflating yourself." When this group first started you could talk like that and people would know what you're talking about because that's how most inflation fans acted out their fantasies. Now that there are so many people around here shoving air hoses up their asses instead of stuffing balloons in their clothes, it's starting to get confusing.

In the brief time that I ran the Balloon Buddies email listserver, one of the things I did was split the list into separate groups because I was starting to see a lot of in-fighting among the different flavors of inflation fetishes. This is just my opinion, but I think it might be time to set up a separate forum for real body inflation because that seems to be what has spawned a lot of the in-fighting lately--people questioning the gender of an ass-inflator, or questioning whether they really got to the size they claimed to get to, people getting flamed for bragging about nearly bursting themselves, and people getting flamed for trying/wanting to try/asking about methods that are even riskier.

For the sake of full disclosure, I'll admit I'm also speaking from personal bias because I only find about 1% of real body inflation discussion interesting and the other 99% is somewhat disturbing to me. I ignore it for the most part, when I can tell what the thread is about from the subject (or from who posted it) so I've never felt the need to express a strong opinion about it, but I really think it is almost a separate fetish and the best idea I have for keeping the peace around here letting them have their own space.


Hmm, i suppose we could introduce some kind of code for the subject of the post, like put (real) or (stuffing) in the subject line. Not sure how to guarantee that people do that though.

On a slightly different subject, i think it's really weird how everyone else who does it for real seems to do it anally when i find that impossible, but can't do it by mouth when i find that easy. Really odd!

As it happens, i'm into both.
