Livestream art show...

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Livestream art show...

Hi everybody. I know that this is short notice, so I won't be surprised if this does not work the first time.

But I have set up and tested a livestream account. I can now stream my doodles to the net live. I want to try this tonight, short notice I know. It will hopefully be a time to chat, hear what people like, and maybe even give out spur of the moment requests.

I hope to have fun with this, so if you're curious drop by.

Now the tricky part. Time zones. I intend to do this, 9:00 pm my time. On the west coast. So...

9:00 Pm, in the gmt 7:00 time zone.

I'm not sure if that works for people, but that is when I'm doing it. So I hope you all sho, even if only to check it out. Thanks for listening.

The streaming website.

Examples of my work, to see if you want to come by.

Okay, the LiveStream was a success! Some people showed up and gave me some great feed back and a few pointers. It was a lot of fun.

I hope to do this again. Actually. I might check my schedule to see if I can do this again tomorrow night. Saturday night.

Hope to see you there!

Am I too enthusiastic? Ah well. I had a good time. ^_^

There is definitely something thrilling about inflation. Something delightly soft with expansion. And exhilirating about popping!