Colbert Report Monday 4/11/11

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Inflate123's picture
Colbert Report Monday 4/11/11

Stephen Colbert had a segment recently about how the high price of cocoa has led to candy manufacturers pumping their chocolate bars with air to maximize profits. The resulting jokes built to overt body inflation references!


Heh. Why did I ever stop watching this show?


Not available outside the US unfortunately. Does anyone have a different version?

Blue_Eyes's picture
Zepylin wrote:
Not available outside the US unfortunately. Does anyone have a different version?

This please.
Tried looking for the clips through various sites, but either couldn't find it or it wasn't hosted in my country.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Don't get too excited. Yes, it was a funny monologue but not sexy. He basically said if candy makers are putting air in candy bars then Americans aren't really obese, they're just inflated (said while flashing a pic of some fat dude's belly) and then he said that big hole in the center is really just a release valve (said while zoomed in on fat dude's belly). If you're into fat dude bellies, knock yourself out. Otherwise, it's just worth a chuckle and maybe somebody will take the idea and run with it in a inflation story or artwork.