Popper needs help...please

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Popper needs help...please

Ive written my second story ever and I wanted to post it on deviantart.com. I was so excited to post it. Now everytime I try to post it on there on my page on the submission thing it gives me these annoying errors and it wont let me post it. Ive been trying over and over making changes to the file type and changing around the type of story and what not and nothing works :( this sucks! Ive been working on this story so hard the last few days and now deviant art is being stupid and keeps giving me these dumb errors. Goddamn it why cant it just be simple like *copy* *paste* type in your own thoughts on the story and what kind it is and be done? God Im sick of these errors! Im about to put one of my heels through this computer screen and say screw it!


html file type isnt working? If that doesnt solve it you can feel free to send to me in an email :)

Auriga's picture

It is possible to submit by copy/paste.

submit art -> add text (do not press upload file) -> paste your text there


Hmm...ill try againg and see what happens. thanks so far for the ideas :)


Thanks for the help! :) the copy and paste thing worked! thank you thank you thank you :)its on there now, its called "Kitana's Inflatality"

Auriga's picture

Odd. Can not find it on DA through search, did you set any search keywords?


Cant you like search my name (PopperChick321) on there and find it?

Auriga's picture

Well. That way it works. But others can have trouble seeking for it. I.e. anyone who just seeks inflation and popping and doesn't know exact name of story or your account