wish there was a way to tell who is online

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Hiltuglas's picture
wish there was a way to tell who is online

just seems you can see that their are people on other members but you cant see who they are

Been an inflationist for so very long now. I hope to meet as many others into this as I!

Hiltuglas's picture

must just be me who wonders that at times eh.

Been an inflationist for so very long now. I hope to meet as many others into this as I!

oh2bpreg's picture

You used to be able to, but I'm glad for the change. Some people were using it to cyberstalk members. Had one person send me a message asking to RP. I apparently was on the same time they were so when they saw I hadn't responded, they sent me a rather nasty message.

LutherVKane's picture

There used to be a "Who's Online" list, but I disabled due to a security issue (javascript injection into the URL). Nobody missed it when it disappeared, so fixing it was never a priority.

FYI (in case I ever bother to fix it) you can block people from seeing whether you're online by going to the account preferences page and setting "Show my online status" to "No".

Hiltuglas's picture

hmm well that is of course understandable and sensable i never thought of it those ways my apologizes^^

Been an inflationist for so very long now. I hope to meet as many others into this as I!