I'm getting a database error when I try to enter it.
On /index.php?name=Archive
While executing query "
s.story_ID as story_ID,
s.title as title,
s.alph_title as alph_title,
s.author_ID as author_ID,
a.name as author_name,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.submitted_date) as submitted_date,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.posted_date) as posted_date,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.authored_date) as authored_date,
s.submitted_by_ID as submitted_by_ID,
s.approved as approved,
s.active as active,
g.genre_ID as genre_ID,
g.name as genre_name,
g.abbreviation as genre_abbreviation,
s.access_level_ID as access_level_ID,
al.name as access_level_name,
al.access_level as access_level,
al.abbreviation as access_level_abbreviation,
s.summary as summary,
s.story_text as story_text
FROM dragonfly_Archive_story s
LEFT OUTER JOIN dragonfly_Archive_author a
ON a.author_ID = s.author_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dragonfly_Archive_accessLevel al
ON al.access_level_ID = s.access_level_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dragonfly_Archive_genre g
ON g.genre_ID = s.genre_ID
WHERE 1=1 AND s.approved = 'approved' AND s.active = 'active' AND al.access_level <= 40
ORDER BY posted_date DESC
LIMIT 0, 20
the following error occured: Got error -1 from storage engine
In: D:\Data\Sites\dragonfly\modules\Archive\archiveStory.php on line: 82
I've just checked, and I'm not getting errors. The message you got indicates a problem connecting to the database and things are looking alright on that end, but I ran an integrity scan just in case.
Please try again, and let me know if you're still having problems.
Luther Kane
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