Real inflation: Ideas guy time!

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Real inflation: Ideas guy time!

Okay, so, I'd be lying if I denied my penchant for real inflation: it was the natural successor to my recently more realistic approach to the fetish (btw, if this is breaking the rules or something, please feel free to correct me).

Which of course, got me thinking. The people that do it tend to either inflate via the back passage, or stuff (or otherwise fill the stomach) via the mouth.

Now we know that human organs can only hold so much - last time I checked, about 4 litres for the stomach, and 9 for the colon. Both make one pretty big if filled. However, I thought of one thing: why not inflate both at once? If it could be pulled off, well damn, that would be enormous.

Again, as the name suggests, it's a brief idea and of course I would like your thoughts and feelings. From what I've seen, people here tend to prefer fantastical inflation, but again, it's only an idea.


You could certainly try it for yourself. However, when I've attempted to do it, either one makes the other more difficult. They seem to hinder each other rather than enhance each other. I can stretch much farther than I used to though, so maybe I should give it another shot as well. Good luck.

Also, to one up you, I have a forced inflation fantasy of the the intestines/colon plus the stomach and also the bladder. The bladder is a bit more difficult, though.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


This probably isn't typical, but I found that drinking a couple beers makes me slightly bloated. I've been toying around with the idea of drinking a lot of beer and seeing what would happen. Not on a regular basis of course, but just as an experiment. I'm not much of a drinker.


The bladder is inadvisable and the most difficult route with the least rewarding results.

I have considered trying anal and oral at the same time. If you just wait a while with oral, the air ends up in the colon anyway.

Another thing is, liquids are not compressible but gases are. That means that mechanically the maximum would be about fourteen litres with a liquid, but with a gas it will compress, so the initial volume is much higher.



Thank you, nineteenthly, I should have specified no air in the bladder.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


Well, even if you're only putting a liquid into the bladder it encourages backwards flow and could cause an infection or injury. It's also very painful, apparently.



I agree it's overall not a good idea (like any of it in real life, right?), but I never had any pain from it. I used to do it some, but it was difficult, and I stopped after I tried too hard and was peeing blood for a couple of days. Ok, so that being said, I don't encourage trying it, it's just part of a particular fantasy of mine. In short, DisruptedOriginal, forget I mentioned the bladder. :P

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


It's odd though, because i've freaked out people on here sometimes as well, yet to most people we're well weird and i have no excuse for going all peculiar just because you've done that, have i?


bbwhite wrote:
In short, DisruptedOriginal, forget I mentioned the bladder. :P

Gladly. I have no intention of inflating myself at all, let alone my bladder. When it comes to sensitivity concerning male genitals I am as similar to "normal people" as Johnny Topside.


Nineteenthly, you mean like this? Lol

It's that all important word, 'fantasy'. It's all good. I try to welcome different points of view, especially if what I've said can do someone harm. Just like, you may not have specifically been talking about not putting air in the bladder, but your response made me think. And, thankfully DisruptedOriginal, per his response to me, has no intention of actually doing any inflation to himself. Good for you, DO, as it can be addictive. Keep it in fantasy or something outside the body. Other real lifers can dissagree with me, but that's my opinion.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.