Squeaklatex.com...it's a trap?!

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Squeaklatex.com...it's a trap?!

I know I've posted before about Squeak Latex but this shit is really pissing me off. First of all they claim that they're taking new orders yet Eden (blowupboy) tells me they don't have a latex supplier. I placed an order back in April and I am still without a suit. Secondly, blowupboy completely sucks in the communication department, as I email him almost daily for a status on my order and he never responds. The only way I seem to grab his attention are on these forums...so once again I ask..WHAT IS THE STATUS OF MY ORDER??!! :evil:

blowup_boy's picture

Dude, I really am not getting any emails from you.
Apologies about that

But, i'll send you one anyway with an update. As well as here.

I'm sure RubberKat feels my pain. Which is why he shut down his company.
But, China and latex are by far the most frustrating combination you can deal with.
The factory that produces my items currently has over 12k of my money and over 15 orders to produce. They go quite on me for weeks/months, then when I finally do get contact. They state it will be done by "X" date. It comes and goes and still no word.

That being said, although they will either get orders done in a couple of weeks or a few months. They do always come through.
But, you'll be lucky/happy to know that when they do finally come through with the goods. That's it.

I'm done stressing and looking like a bad business owner because I have to put my faith in off shore factories that don't deliver in time.
Perhaps I can find someone local to put my works together, but this will sadly increase my prices immensely.

All I can do is apologise, but I am pretty much in the same boat as you as someone has taken my money and have not delivered as fast as I would of wanted.
Should this go on to long, I will refund you the money for the order and just be out of pocket.

Sorry again.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


What he said is 100% true. I've had the same experience.