Which is your favourite word?

8% (4 votes)
pumped (up)
10% (5 votes)
14% (7 votes)
10% (5 votes)
0% (0 votes)
2% (1 vote)
8% (4 votes)
10% (5 votes)
22% (11 votes)
blown up
14% (7 votes)
Total votes: 49

This round includes words which would describe the inflatee once she (or he) is inflated. Basically, words which are synonymous with the adjective 'inflated'... the line up is as follows (quite similar to the verb line-up really)


Hmm, for some reason I like the word bloated the most out of these. Well, at the moment I do anyway, but I'll probably change my mind in a minute or two XD

Inflate123's picture

It's funny, one of the only words I don't like on the list is bloated! To me it's more of a word that means "uncomfortably retaining water," as in a woman's monthly cycle.

Unagi Roll

hooray for plump!


I've always been fond of the word 'overinflated' myself. It implies that the subject has been pushed to, if not beyond, their limits, conveying a sense of pressure and strain.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I forgot to list the other words I thought of that didn't quite make it into the shortlist.

They are:
Balloned, Full, Puffy, Oversized, Distended, Pressurised and Round... and then of course I didn't bother to include any of the plethora of words that simply mean big or large (without implying any kind of inflation)

And again, see if you can think up any more.


Blimped... would pick all the others but it sounded more round, huge, and yet still huggable. ^_^


'Plumped' more than just 'plump' - but it isn't in the list.

So I voted for 'blimped' after a close finish with 'blown up'. Same reason for 'blimped' as the post above.

"Continue the research..."


I was kinda split between bloated and swollen, cause swollen gives an idea of size and shape, but bloated gives and idea of internal pressure ;)


Blimped is definately my favorite. Just sounds so.. huge. :D

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^

wesker991's picture

Ditto! Blimped All The Way!